Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/949

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62 STAT.] FRANCE-ECONOMIC COOPERATION-JUNE 28, 1948 2233 such national, including contracts with or concessions granted by duly authorized authorities of such other Government. It is under- stood that the undertaking of each Government in respect to claims espoused by the other Government pursuant to this paragraph is made in the case of each Government under the authority of and is limited by the terms and conditions of such effective recognition as it has heretofore given to the compulsory jurisdiction of the Inter- national Court of Justice under Article 36 of the Statute of the Court. The provisions of this paragraph shall be in all respects 59Stat.1060. without prejudice to other rights of access, if any, of either Govern- ment to the International Court of Justice or to the espousal and presentation of claims based upon alleged violations by either Gov- ernment of rights and duties arising under treaties, agreements or principles of international law. 2. The Governments of the United States of America and of France P o t p.2236 further agree that such claims may be referred, in lieu of the Court, to any arbitral tribunal mutually agreed upon. 3. It is further understood that neither Government will espouse a claim pursuant to this Article until its national has exhausted the remedies available to him in the administrative and judicial tribunals of the country in which the claim arose. Article XI (Definitions) As used in this Agreement: A. France means the metropolitan territory of the French Republic, F ran ce together with dependent areas under its administration and areas for which it has assumed international responsibility, including: Tunisia French Zone of Morocco French West Africa (comprising: Senegal, Mauritania, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Sudan, Niger, Upper Volta) French Equatorial Africa (comprising: Gabun, Middle Congo, Ubangi-Shari, Chad) Togoland and Cameroons (mandate) French Somaliland Madagascar Reunion Comoro French Settlements in India French Indo-China New Caledonia Tuamotu Archipelago, including Society Islands Austral Islands Marquesas Archipelago St. Pierre and Miquelon Martinique Guadeloupe French Guiana The Territory of the Saar