Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/921

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. targets as may be established through the Organization for European Economic Cooperation; and when desired by the Govern- ment of the United States of America, to communicate to that Government detailed proposals for specific projects contemplated by the Government of Denmark to be undertaken in substantial part with assistance made avail- able pursuant to this Agreement, including whenever practicable projects for increased production of food and transportation facil- ities; c) to stabilize its currency, establish or maintain a valid rate of ex- change, balance its governmental budget, create or maintain in- ternal financial stability, and generally restore or maintain con- fidence in its monetary system; and d) to cooperate with other parti- cipating countries in facilitating and stimulating an increasing interchange of goods and ser- vices among the participating countries and with other coun- tries and in reducing public and private barriers to trade among themselves and with other coun- tries 2. Taking into account Article 8 of the Convention for European Economic Cooperation looking toward the full and effective use of manpower available in the participating countries, the Govern- ment of Denmark will accord sym- pathetic consideration to proposals made in conjunction with the International Refugee Organization directed to the resultater, som gennem Organi- sationen for Europmisk 0kono- misk Samlarbejde maatte blive sat som Maal, og, naar Ameri- kas Forenede Staters Regering imaatte enske det, at tilstille denne detaillerede Forslag om sarlige Planer, som den danske Regering agter at ivmerksmette, og .hvis Gennemforelse for en vm- sentlig Del vil ske ved Hjaelp af Bistand ydet i Kraft af neervm- rende Overenskomst, herunder indbefattet i alle Tilfalde, hvor dette er praktisk gerligt, Projek- ter med det Formaal at forege Produktionen af Fedevarer og Transportmidler; c. at stabilisere Landets Pengeve- sen, indfere eller opretholde en holdbar Valutakurs, opretholde Ligevaegt paa Statsbudgettet, gen- oprette eller opretholde indre financiel Stabilitet og i Alminde- lighed genoprette eller opretholde Tilliden til Landets Pengevasen; og d. at samarbejde med andre Del- tagerlande for at lette og stimu- lere en eget Udveksling af Varer og Tjenesteydelser mellem Delta- gerlandene indbyrdes,saavel som mellem disse og andre Lande, og at mindske offentlige og private Handelsskranker mellem Delta- gerlandene indbyrdes og overfor andre Lande. 2. Under Hensyntagen til Art 8 i Konventionen om Europweisk 0konomisk Samarbejde, som tager Sigte paa fuld og effektiv Anvendelse af den i Deltagerlan- dene til Raadighed staaendeArbejdskraft, vil den danske Regering velvilligt over- veje saadanne Forslag, som maatte blive fremsat i Forstaaelse med den Inter- nationale Flygtningeorganisation med 2204 Maintenance of fi- nancial stability. Post, p. 2219. Stimulation of trade. Utlization of man- power.