Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/907

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. members and staff of the Joint Committee. Such cooperation shall include the provision of all information and facilities neces- sary to the observation and review of the carrying out of this Agree- meat, including the use of assist- ance furnished under it. ARTICLE X (Settlement of claims of Nationals) 1. The Governments of the United States of America and of Belgium agree to submit to the decision of the International Court of Justice any claim espoused by either Government on behalf of one of its nationals against the other Government for compensa- tion for damage arising as a con- sequence of Governmental meas- ures (other than measures con- cerning enemy property or inter- ests) taken after April 3, 1948, by the other Government and affect- ing property or interests of such national, including contracts with or concessions granted by duly authorized authorities of such other Government. It is under- stood that the undertaking of each Government in respect of claims espoused by the other Government pursuant to this paragraph is made in the case of each Government under the authority of and is limited by the terms and condi- tions of such effective recognition as it has heretofore given to the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice under Article 36 of the Statute of the Court. The provisions of this paragraph shall be in all respects without prejudice to other rights of access, if any, of either Government to the International son personnel, et aux membres et personnel du Comit6 Mixte. Cette cooperation comportera la mise a disposition de toutes informations et facilites necessaires a l'observa- tion et a la surveillance de l'ex6cu- tion du present Accord, y compris de l'utilisation de l'aide fournie conform6ment a ses termes. ARTICLE X (Reglement des reclamations des ressortissants des deux Pays) 1. Les Gouvernements des Etats-Unis et de Belgique con- viennent de porter a la Cour Internationale de Justice toutes reclamations que l'un ou l'autre Gouvernement aura faites siennes et presentees pour le compte de l'un de ses ressortissants A l'en- contre de l'autre Gouvernement, pour l'indemnisation de dommages resultant de mesures gouverne- mentales (a l'exception de mesures touchant les int6erts ou biens ennemis) prises apres le 3 avril 1948 par ce Gouvernemcnt et affectant les biens ou les int6rets du dit ressortissant, y compris les contrats ou concessions re6gilicre- ment conclus ou accordes par les organcs dOment qualifies du dit Gouvernement. I est entendu que l'engagement de chaque Gou- vernement en ce qui concerne les demandes presentees par l'autre Gouvernement en application de ce paragraphe, est pris par chaque Gouvernement en conformite et dans la limite des termes et con- ditions de l'acceptation effective par ce Gouvernement de la juri- diction obligatoire de la Cour Internationale de Justice en vertu de 'article 36 du Statut de la Cour. Les dispositions de ce paragraphe seront, de toute mani- &re,sans prejudice d'autres droits 59 tat. 1060 2190