Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/897

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. the Government of Belgium will accord sympathetic consideration to proposals made in conjunction with the International Refugee Or- ganization directed to the largest practicable utilization of man- power available in any of the participating countries in further- ance of the accomplishment of the purposes of this Agreement. 3. The Government of Belgium will take the measures which it deems appropriate, and will coop- erate with other participating countries, to prevent, on the part of private or public commercial enterprises, business practices or business arrangements affecting international trade which restrain competition, limit access to mar- kets or foster monopolistic control whenever such practices or arrange- ments have the effect of interfering with the achievement of the joint program of european recovery. ARTICLE III (Guaranties) 1. The Governments of the United States of America and of Belgium will, upon the request of either Government, consult re- specting projects in Belgium pro- posed by nationals of the United States of America and with regard to which the Government of the United States of America may appropriately make guaranties of currency transfer under Section 111 (b) (3) of the Economic Coop- eration Act of 1948. 2. The Government of Belgium agrees that if the Government of the United States of America makes payment in U.S. dollars to any person under such a guar- differents pays participants, s'en- gage a reserver un accueil bien- veillant aux propositions faites de concert avec l'Organisation Inter- nationale pour les Refugies, en vue d'utiliser au maximum la main-d'ceuvre 6ventuellement dis- ponible dans un des pays partici- pants conformement aux fins du present Accord. 3. Le Gouvernement de Belgi- que prendra les mesures qu'il estime appropriees et cooperera avec les autres pays participants afin d'emp6cher les pratiques ou arrangements commerciaux- qu'ils soient le fait d'entreprises commerciales priv6es ou publi- ques-qui, dans le commerce inter- national, entravent la concurrence, restreignent l'acces aux marches ou favorisent le contr6le a ca- ractere de monopole dans tous les cas oft ces pratiques et arrange- ments produisent des effets nuisi- bles a l'execution du programme commun de reconstruction euro- peenne. ARTICLE III (Garanties) 1. Les Gouvernements des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et de Belgique se consulteront a la demande de l'un ou l'autre gou- vernement, sur les projets que des ressortissants des Etats-Unis envisagent de r6aliser en Belgique et pour lesquels le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amerique peut, aux termes de la Section 111 (b) (3) de la Loi de Cooperation Eco- nomique de 1948, accorder des garanties de transfert de devises. 2. Lorsque le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amerique fera a de telles personnes un payement en dollars des Etats-Unis correspon- dant a une telle garantie, le Gou- Prevention of prac- tices interfering with achievement of pro- gram. Post, pp. 2195, 2196. 62 Stat., Pt. 1,p.144. 2180