Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/848

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. shall grant, upon request of the members of the Mission, exemp- tion from customs duties on articles imported for the official use of the Mission or the personal use of the members thereof, and of members of their families, provided that their request for free entry has received the ap- proval of the Ambassador of the United States of America or of the Charge d'Affaires ad interim. transportation and ARTICLE 17. Compensation for travel expenses transportation and travel expenses in the United States of Brazil on official business of the Brazilian Government shall be provided by the Government of the United States of Brazil. Provision of motor A nd air transportation ARTICLE 18. The Government for members of the United States of Brazil shall provide the members of the Mission with suitable motor trans- portation and chauffeurs, and when necessary transportation by air for the conduct of the official business of the Mission. Office space. Transportation of remains in case of death. Return transporta- tion for family. ARTICLE 19. The Government of the United States of Brazil shall provide suitable office space and facilities for the use of members of the Mission. ARTICLE 20. If any member of the Mission or any member of his family should die in the United States of Brazil, the Government of the United States of Brazil shall have the body transported to such place in the United States of America as the surviving members of the family may decide. Should the deceased be a member of the Mission, his services with the Mis- sion shall be considered to have terminated fifteen days after his death. Return transportation to the port of entry in the United States of America for the family of the deceased member and for their mediante pedido dos membros da Missao, a entrada livre de direitos de alfandega para os artigos importados para uso oficial da Missao ou para uso pessoal de seus membros e pessoas de suas familias, cor tanto que tais solicitagces de entrada livre te- nham recebido a aprovagco do Embaixador dos Estados Unidos da America ou do Charge d'Af- faires ad interim. ARTIGO 17. As despesas de transporte e de viagem nos Es- tados Unidos do Brasil, em ser- vico oficial do Gov6rno brasi- leiro, serao custeadas por este. ARTIGO 18. O Governo dos Es- tados Unidos do Brasil pora a disposigao dos membros da Mis- sao, autom6veis apropriados e respectivos motoristas, e, quando seja necessario, transporte a6reo para os membros da Missao no desempenho de seus deveres ofi- ciais. ARTIGO 19. O Governo dos Estados Unidos do Brasil pora A disposicao dos membros da Missao escrit6rios adequados para os seus trabalhos. ARTIGO 20. Se um membro da Missao ou pessoa de sua familia falecer no Brasil, o Governo bra- sileiro far& transportar o corpo para o lugar dos Estados Unidos da America que a familia do morto indicar. Se o falecido f6r um membro da Missao, os seus servi- 9os na mesma serao considerados terminados quinze (15) dias depois da sua morte. As despesas de regresso ate o porto de entrada nos Estados Unidos da America, da familia do morto, sua bagagem, objetos domesticos e autom6vel, serao reembolsadas de acordo cor o estabelecido no Artigo 14. Tudo 2130