Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/824

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. LETTER NO. 6 Protection of in- terests of non-German foreign nationals. Ante, p. 2062. Post, p. 2108. MADRID, May 10, 1948 SIR: In connection with the Accord signed today, it is our understanding that in the expropriation or the allotment of assets subject to expropri- ation, the interests, whether direct or indirect, of non-German foreign nationals will be protected to the same extent as those of Spanish nationals, on condition of reciprocal treatment in the country of those foreign nationals. We shall be grateful if you will confirm this understanding. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of our distinguished considera- tion. HAROLD M RANDALL Chief of Delegation of the United States of America F. DE PANAFIEU. Chief of Delegation of France FRANCIS W MCCOMBE Chief of Delegation of the United Kingdom of Great BritainandNorthernIreland Excmo. Sr. D. EMILIO DE NAVASQUES YRuIZ DE VELAsCO, Presidentof the Spanish Delegation, Madrid. MADRID LETTRE N 6 10 Mai de 194 MONSIEUR LE PRISIDENT, En nous referant a la "Convention" signee ce jour, nous entendons preciser que, dans l'application des mesures d'expropriation ou d'adju- dication des biens vises par la dite Convention, les interets, directs ou indirects, de ressortissants etrangers non allemands seront proteges dans la mesure oi le seront les biens des nationaux espagnols, a la con- dition que ces derniers beneficient d'un regime de reciprocit6 dans le pays des ressortissants etrangers dont il s'agit.