Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/809

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62 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-GERMAN PROPERTY IN SPAIN-MAY 10, 1948 MADRID, May 10, 1958 SIR: In connection with paragraph three of the Notes exchanged this day, placing in effect the Accord signed this date, the undersigned have the honor to record the understanding reached during the course of the negotiations to the effect that the proceeds of the official and quasi- official German assets now in the possession of the Representatives in Spain of the Allied Control Council for Germany, or which subse- quently may be realized by them, will be at the disposal of the Repre- sentatives upon request to the Spanish Administration for distribu- tion within the limits prescribed in Article One of the Financial Pro- tocol to the Accord, it being understood that their employment will be subject to the same limitations as are set forth in the succeeding Arti- cles of that Protocol. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of our distinguished considera- tion. HAROLD M. RANDALL Distribution of pro- ceeds of official Ger- man assets. Ante, p. 2062. Ante, p. 2083. Chief of Delegation of the United States of America F. DE PANAFIEU. Chief of Delegation of France FRANCIS W MCCOMBE Chief of Delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Excmo. Sr. D. EMILIo DE NAVASQUES Y RuIZ DE VELASCO Presidentof the Spanish Delegation Madrid MADRID, LETTRE NO I 10 Mai de 1948 MONSIEUR LE PRESIDENT, En se referant au paragraphe 3 des Notes echangees ce jour, et mettant en vigueur la "Convention" portant la mIme date, las Sous- signes ont l'honneur de confirmer que, suivant l'accord realise au cours des negociations, le produit de la liquidation des biens allemands offi- ciels et semi-officiels qui sont actuellement aux mains des Representants en Espagne du Conseil de Contr6le Allie pour l'Allemagne ou qui pourront etre par la suite realises par les dits Representants, sera mis a la disposition de ceux-ci, sur demande formulee par eux a l'Adminis- tration espagnole, pour etre distribue dans les limites fixees par 1'Ar- ticle I du Protocole Financier, annex6e la "Convention", 6tant en- tendu que l'emploi de ce produit sera soumis aux memes limitations que celles pr6vues dans les Articles suivants du dit Protocol* - LETTER NO. 1 2091