Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/695

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1976 "on the area of the tissue or 22-%%of the value of the tissue whichever is the greater" (ii) The last eighteen words in the Rate of Duty applicable to sub- paragraph (b) on page 41 shall read: "on the area of the tissue or 22-34% of the value of the tissue whichever is the greater" (iii) The last eight words in the Rate of Duty shown against "Other Tissues" on page 41 shall read: "plus 22-3% of the value of the tissue." Item3G.A.V. (i) The description "Cotton oil" on page 53 shall read: "Cotton oil (cotton seed oil)" (ii) The Rate of Duty applicable to the sub-description "Clove" on page 53 shall read: "10%" SECTION C - DEPENDENT TER - RITORIES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Part I - Most-favoured-nation tariff The following note shall be in- serted at the end of Part I of this Section: "Note: The provisions of this Section shall be inoperative pending re-negotiation." "de la surface du tissu, on 22-%%de la valeur du tissu" (ii) Dans la colonne "Droit" les douze derniers mots correspon- dant A l'alinea b) de la page 45 doivent se lire comme suit: "de la surface du tissu, ou 22-N% de la valeur du tissu" (iii) Dans la colonne "Droit", les sept derniers mots correspondant a "Autres tissus" A la page 46 doivent se lire: "plus 22-2% de la valeur du tissu" Position 3 D. G. A. V. Le droit correspondant A la designation "de clous de girofles" doit se lire: "10%" SECTION C - TERRITOIRES DE- PENDANT DU ROYAUME-UNI DE GRANDE-BRETAGNE ET D'IRLANDE DU NORD Premiere Partie - Tarif de la na- tion la plus favorisee La note suivante sera inseree A la fin de la premiere partie de la presente section: "Note: Les dispositions de la presente section demeureront sans effet en attendant le resul- tat de nouvelles negociations." 61 Stat., Pt. 6, p. Al123. 61 Stat., Pt. 5 , p. A1152. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [82 STAr. Schedule XIX (contd.) - United Liste XIX (suite et fin) - Roy- Kingdom aume-Uni paragraph (a) on page 41 shall dant A l'alin6a a) de la page 45 read: doivent se lire comme suit: