Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/685

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1966 61 Stat., Pt. a, p. A287. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER LHAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Schedule II (contd.) - Belgium- Liste II (suite) - Belgique-Luxem- Netherlands-Luxemburg bourg-Pays-Bas Item ex 831 The first seven words of the de- scription shall read: "Railway locomotives and parts thereof, to be" SECTION E - SURINAM Rectifications in Section E are authentic only in the English language Part I - Most-favoured-nation tariff There shall be inserted imme- diately below the words "END OF SECTION E" the words: "END OF PART I" SCHEDULE III - UNITED STATES OF BRAZIL Rectifications in this Schedule are authentic only in the English and French languages Part I - Most-favoured-nation Tariff Item 230/5 (i) The principal description immediately preceding sub-item /5 shall read: "Peaches, pears, apricots, ap- ples, cherries, plums, prunes, berries except strawberries, and SECTION E - SURINAM Seul fait foi le texte anglais des rectifications portant sur la Sec- tion E. Premiere Partie - Tarif de la na- tion la plus favorisee Deuxieme Partie - Tarif Pr6f6rentiel Ajouter apres la premiere partie de la Section E: "LISTE II - BELGIQUE, LUXEM - BOURG, PAYS-BAS Deuxieme Partie Tarif Preferentiel" LISTE III - ETATS-UNIS DU BRESIL Seuls font foi les textes anglais et francais des rectifications portant sur la presente liste Premiere Partie - Tarif de la nation la plus favorisee Position 230/5 La designation principale qui precede imm6diatement la sub- division /5 doit se lire: "PAches, poires, abricots, pom- mes, cerises, prunes, pruneaux, bales a 1'exception des fraises, 61 Stat., Pt. 6, P. A294 . 61 Stat., Pt. 5, p. A303; Pt. 6, p. A1551.