Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/659

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Agreement between the United States of America and Paraguayrespecting air transport services. Signed at Asuncion February 28, 1947; entered into force February 16, 1948. The Government of the United States of America and the Govern- ment of the Republic of Paraguay, having in mind the resolution signed under date of December 7, 1944, at the International CivilAviation Con- ference in Chicago, ['] for the adop- tion of a standard form of agree- ment for air routes and services, and the desirability of mutually stimulating and promoting the fur- ther development of air transporta- tion between the United Seates of America and the Republic of Para- guay, agree that the establishment and development of air transport services between their respective territories shall be governed by the provisions of the present agree- ment, for which purpose they have resolved to designate their respec- tive plenipotentiaries, to wit: The President of the United States of America: Mr. Leslie E. Reed, Charge d'Affaires ad interim of the United States of America, near the Government of Paraguay; The President of the Republic of Paraguay, His Excellency Don Federico Chaves, Minister of For- eign Relations and Worship; Who, after exchanging their full powers, which they have found to be in good and proper form, have agreed upon the following articles: El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America y el Gobierno de la Repfiblica del Paraguay, teniendo en cuenta la resoluci6n firmada en fecha 7 de diciembre de 1944 en la Conferencia Internacional de Aviaci6n Civil de Chicago, para la adopci6n de un acuerdo de forma standard sobre rutas y servicios aereos y la conveniencia de estimular y promover mfituamente el desa- rrollo mas amplio del transporte aereo entre los Estados Unidos de America y la Repdblica del Para- guay, convienen en que el estable- cimiento y desarrollo de los servicios de transporte a6reo entre sus respec- tivos territorios estaran regidos por las disposiciones del presente Acuer- do, a cuyo efecto han resuelto designar sus respectivos plenipoten- ciarios: El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America al Sefior Leslie E. Reed, Encargado de Negocios ad interim de los Estados Unidos de America, cerca del Gobierno de la Republica del Paraguay; El Presidente de la Repfiblica del Paraguay a Su Excelencia Don Federico Chaves, Ministro de Rela- ciones Exteriores y Culto; Quienes, despues de haber can- jeado sus plenos poderes, hallados en buena y debida forma, ban convenido en los siguientes articu- los: International Civil Aviation Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 1 to December 7, 1944, Final Act and Related Documents. Department of State publication 2282. February 28, 1947 [T. I. A. S. 17531 1940