Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/610

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1890 Grant to U. S. of free use of cemetery sites. Modification of prior agreement. 61 Stat., Pt. 4, p. 3752. 61 Stat. Pt. 4, p. 3762. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. of use of the sites selected for permanent American military ceme- teries in Italy, to last as long as the American authorities will use such sites as war cemeteries". A.T. Washington, D. 7., December 18, 1947. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Washington, D. G. The Secretary of State to the ItalianAmbassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON Jan 21 1948 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note no. 11332 of December 18,1947 stating that the Italian Government has decided, as a token of friendship to the Government and people of the United States, to grant to the Government of the United States the free use of the sites selected as permanent United States military cemeteries and proposing that the first paragraph of Article 3 of the agree- ment reached by an exchange of notes in September 1946 between the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the American Embassy at Rome be modified to read as follows: "The Italian Government grants gratuitously to the American Government the right of use of the sites selected for permanent American military cemeteries in Italy, to last as long as the American authorities will use such sites as war cemeteries." I wish to express to you and through you to the Italian Government the profound appreciation of the Government and people of the United States for this most generous gift which will further strengthen the strong bonds of sympathy and friendship between our two coun- tries. To all Americans, and particularly to those who lost their loved ones in the course of our common effort against the enemy, the land so graciously offered by the Italian Government will forever be hallowed land. On their behalf I assure you of the heartfelt thanks and gratitude for this most magnanimous gift. The Government of the United States is happy to agree to the proposed change in Article 3 of the agreement. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest considera- tion. His Excellency Signor ALBEsro TARCUTANI, ItalianAmbassador. For the Secretary of State: JOHN E. PEURIFOY