Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/399

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62 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-INT . LABOR ORGANIZATION-OCT. 9,1946 1677 Article 4 Two copies of this Convention shall be authenticated by the sig- nature of the President of the Conference and of the Director- General of the International La- bour Office. Of these copies one shall be deposited in the archives of the International Labour Office and the other shall be communi- cated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for registra- tion in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Na- tions. The Director-General shall communicate a certified copy of this Convention to each of the Members of the International Labour Organisation. Article 5 1. The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be com- municated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office. 2. The Convention shall come into force at the date on which the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour Organi- sation have been received by the Director-General. 3. On the coming into force of this Convention and on the sub- sequent receipt of further ratifica- tions of the Convention, the Direc- tor-General of the International Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International Labour Organisation and the Sec- retary-General of the United Nations. 4. Each Member of the Organi- sation which ratifies this Con- vention thereby recognises the validity of any action taken there- under during the interval between the first coming into force of the 68 706--51-PT . -- 25 Article 4 Deux exemplaires de la presente convention seront signes par le President de la Conference et par le Directeur general du Bureau international du Travail. L'un de ces exemplaires sera depose aux archives du Bureau international du Travail, l'autre entre les mains du Secretaire general des Nations Unies pour enregistrement con- formement a l'article 102 de la Charte des Nations Unies. Le Directeur general communiquera une copie certifiee conforme de la presente convention a chacun des Membres de l'Organisation inter- nationale du Travail. Article 5 1. Les ratifications formelles de la presente convention seront com- muniquees au Directeur general du Bureau international du Tra- vail. 2. La presente convention en- trera en vigueur a la date oi les ratifications de deux Membres de l'Organisation internationale du Travail auront ete regues par le Directeur g6n6ral. 3. Des la date d'entr6e en vigueur de la presente convention ainsi que des la reception sub- s6quente de nouvelles ratifications de la presente convention, le Directeur general du Bureau in- ternational du Travail notifiera ce fait a tous les Membres de l'Or- ganisation internationale du Tra- vail et au Secr6taire general des Nations Unies. 4. Tout Membre de l'Organisa- tion qui ratifie la presente con- vention reconnaft par cela mArne la validite de toute action entre- prise en vertu de la presente convention dans l'intervalle corn- Authenticated copies. 59 Stat. 1052. Entry Into force. Post, p. 1680.