Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/300

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TREATIES [62 STAT. This Protocol shall bear the date on which it is opened for signature and shall remain open for signature for a period of fourteen days thereafter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized, have signed this Protocol. DONE in Washington this second day of December, 1946, in the English language, the original of which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America. The Government of the United States of America shall transmit certified copies thereof to all the other signatory and adhering Governments. FOR ARGENTINA: O. IVANISSEVICH J M MONETA G. BROWN PEDRO H. BRUNO VIDELA FOR AUSTRALIA: F. F . ANDERSON FOR BRAZIL: PAULO FR6ES DA CRUZ FOR CANADA: H H WRONG HARRY A SCOTT FOR CHILH: AGUSTIN R. EDWARDS FOR DENMARK: P. F. ERICIISEN FOR FRANCE: FRANCIS LACOSTE FOR THE NETHERLANDS: DJVANDIJK FOR NEW ZEALAND: G R POWLES FOR NORWAY: BIRGEa BERGERSEN FOR PERU: C ROTALDE FOR THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS: A BOGDANOV. E NIusHIN 1578