Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/206

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1484 PROCLAMATIONS-JAN. 30, 1948 [62 STAT. Tariff Act of 1930, Description of Products Rate of Duty paragraph Post, p. 150. 1529 (a) Articles (except wearing apparel) in part of hand-made lace over 2 inches wide and in part of hand-made lace not over 2 inches wide and containing no machine- made material or article provided for in paragraph 1529 (a), Tariff Act of 1930, however provided for in said para- graph 1529 (a): Valued at more than $50 and less than $150 per pound ................ 84% ad val. Valued at $150 or more per pound.. 63% ad val. 1544 Rosaries, chaplets, and similar articles of religious devotion, if made in whole or in part of gold, silver, platinum, gold plate, silver plate, or precious or imita- tion precious stones ................. 42% ad val. 1558 Banana flour and plantain flour ............. 14% ad val. Internal 53 Stat. . Revenue Rate of import tax 26 U. S. C. i§ 1-5012 set section 2491 (a) Fish oil (except cod oil, eulachon oil, her- ring oil, menhaden oil, shark oil, includ- ing oil produced from sharks known as dogfish, and fish-liver oils; and not in- cluding seal oil and whale oil) if classifi- able under paragraph 34 or 1669, Tariff Act of 1930 ........................ 1%0 per lb. GENERAL NOTES 1. The provisions of this list shall be construed and given the same effect, and the application of collateral provisions of the customs laws of the United States to the provisions of this list shall be determined, insofar as may be practicable, as if each provision of this list appeared respectively in the statutory provision noted in the column at the left of the respective description of articles. 2. Any additional or separate ordinary customs duty provided for in respect of any article described in this list, whether or not imposed under the statutory provision indicated in the column at the left of the description of the article and whether or not temporarily or condi- tionally inapplicable, shall continue in force until terminated in accordance with law, subject to any reduction, or consolidation with the primary duty, indicated in this list or hereafter provided for, and subject to any temporary or conditional exemption therefrom now or hereafter provided for by law. 3. Wherever in this list the word "entered" is used in any seasonal- rate provision, or in any provision in which the entry of a specified quantity affects the rate, it shall mean "entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption".; WHEREAS (8) I determine that the application of such of the concessions provided for in part I of schedule XX of said general agreement which were withheld from application in accordance with p61 St 7at. , Pt. t 5, article -XXVII of said general agreement (T. D. 51802 (Customs)) pp. Al157, A70. 61 Stat., Pt. 2, by said proclamation of December 16, 1947 (12 F. R. 8865 and 8866) as are identified in the following list is required or appropriate to Ante, p .1479. carry out said trade agreement specified in the 1st recital of this proclamation on and after January 1, 1948: