Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/156

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS-JUNE 8, 12 , 1948 June 8, 1948 IS. Con. Res. 51] Printing of addi- tional copies of com- mittee hearings. June 8, 1948 [S. Con. Res. 57] Correction in en- rollment of bill (S. 1025). 62 Stat., Pt. 1,p.455 . June 12, 1948 [H. Con. Res. 201] Acceptance of in- vitations to attend meeting in Bermuda. Appointment of members of delega- tions. Expenses. June 12, 1948 In. Con. Res. 204] Submittal of list to Joint Committee on Printing. Statement to Sena- tors, Representatives, etc. Time limit for dis- posal of publications. INVESTIGATION OF NATIONAL RESOURCES Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That one thousand additional copies of the hearings held before the Committee on Public Lands on Investigation of National Resources on May 15, 16, and 20, 1947, be printed for the use of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Agreed to June 8, 1948. SHORE PROTECTIVE WORKS, NOME, ALASKA Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That the Secretary of the Senate be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, in the enrollment of the bill (S. 1025) to provide for the construction of shore protective works at the town of Nome, Alaska, to make the following correction, namely: In line 5 of the Senate engrossed bill, strike out the words "Secretary of War" and insert "Secretary of the Army". Agreed to June 8, 1948. EMPIRE PARLIAMENTARY ASSOCIATION Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That the Senate and the House of Representatives hereby accept the invitations tendered by the Speaker of the House of Assembly of Bermuda, and Joint President of the Bermuda Branch of the Empire Parliamentary Association, to have four Members of the Senate and four Members of the House of Representatives attend a meeting of the Empire Parliamentary Association to be held in Bermuda begin- ning November 15, 1948. The President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives are authorized to appoint the Members of the Senate and the Members of the House of Representatives, respectively, to attend such meeting and are further authorized to designate the chairmen of the delegations from each of the Houses. The expenses incurred by the members of the delegations appointed for the purpose of attending such meeting, which shall not exceed $5,000 for each of the delegations, shall be reimbursed to them from the contingent fund of the House of which they are Members, upon submission of vouchers approved by the chairman of the delega- tion of which they are members. Passed June 12, 1948. OBSOLETE CONGRESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate and Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, respectively, shall prepare a statement showing the noncurrent and obsolete congressional publications now stored in the folding rooms of the Senate and House of Representatives, respec- tively, and to submit an itemized list thereof, in duplicate, to the Joint Committee on Printing, which is hereby authorized and directed to dispose of the publications enumerated on such lists as follows: First. A printed statement of such publications shall be submitted to each Senator, Representative, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, and officer of the Senate and House of Representatives, and any 1432 [62 STAT.