Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1338

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CLXXVIII Hiramoto, Shizuto, pardon of----- _- __ _ Hirata, Tomoharu Henry, pardon of--- . . Hirayama, Susumu Harold, pardon of --- Hirose, Kazuki, pardon of-_________. Hirose, Kazuto, pardon of .------------ Hiroshige, Akira, pardon of ------------- Hockenberry, Robert M., pardon of-- _- . Hodgson, Walter Louis, pardon of------ Hoffman, Charles, payment to-------_ _ Holder, W. F., pardon of-------------- Holderman, Ralph Jay, pardon of-------- Hollandsworth, John T., Jr., credit to account of--------------------- ___- -_ Hollar, Carl, pardon of-------- __- -- - -- Holliday, Stephen, confirmation of title to certain lands _________________ - Holmes, Louis, pardon of ------ _


Holsinger, Robert Reinhart, pardon of___ Honda, Seiichi, pardon of -----------_ _ Honduras, Treaties With: Inter-American Coffee Agreement, mod- ification and extension ________- Inter-American reciprocal assistance__ Honolulu, Hawaii, issuance of land patent to Roman Catholic Bishop of Hono- lulu -------------.-.......... Hoopai, William Kahalewai, pardon of___ Hoover, Daniel Weaver, pardon of---- . . Hoover, John Weaver, pardon of . --- __ Hopison, L. H ., pardon of---__ ____ ___- Hopperton, John F., payment to estate of__ Hora, Sadao, pardon of ------ ___ ____- Hori, Takeshi, pardon of-- __ __ -______-- Horino, George Minoru, pardon of----- . Horner, Mattie A., payment to________ Hoshizaki, Takashi, pardon of - . __ _ __ - Hou Chung Chay, admission for perma- nent residence-- --------.. - _____.- Hougardy, Dave, payment to--__ .___. - Houlihan, Daniel James, pardon of------ House of Representatives. See also Con- gress. Speaker, appointments by- Empire Parliamentary Association, meeting in Bermuda, House members of delegation ----- ___ Inauguration of President-elect, Iouse members of joint committee for arrangements - ------ _ -- - _ __ - - Maine, fiftieth anniversary of sinking, House members of delegation to ceremonies --- __----_-______- Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, House members of joint com- mittee for study and investiga- tion ---- ___________________ Page 1449 1449 1449 1449 1449 1449 1450 1450 1408 1450 1450 1307 1450 1375 1450 1450 1450 1658 1681 1389 1450 1450 1450 1450 1310 1450 1450 1450 1299 1450 1390 1329 1450 1432 1430 1426 1434 Houser, Donald Max, pardon of---- ___- Housing, Joint Committee on, termina- tion -------------- _ -- --- --- -. ___ "Housing in America", printing of addi- tional copies of factual analysis as House document ------------- _ ___ Houston, Aubrey F., payment to--- _ _. __ Hovde, Mrs. Myrtle, payment to-_ _--_ .- Howard, Sylvester, pardon of---- __ _ _ _ . Howe, Marvin Elmer, pardon of -___ __- Huber, Albert A., pardon of ------ ____ _ Hudson, Henry Lavelle, pardon of______ Hudson, Lee Edward, pardon of________ Hughes, Charles Evans, death of, procla- mation - ---- ___- __- _____ ____ ____- Hughes, Wesley Willie Lee, pardon of__ - Huizenga, Philip Lee Sjoerdt, admission for permanent residence ----- _ _ -_ _ _ Hull, Floyd Eugene, pardon of-. ._ _ __ _ Hume, Margaret Katherine, admission for permanent residence ----------- ___ Hungary, International Institute of Agri- culture, treaty respecting __________ Hunter, Charles Robert, pardon of -_ _ _ _ Hunter, Dwight Dale, pardon of --. ____ Hunter, Ruth Horton, payment to estate of ---------- ... . . ..-- - - - - -___ . ._ Huppler, Edmund, admission for perma- nent residence ----- ______________- Hutson, Arthur T., pardon of ---- _____- Huttula, William, payment to -- __-- ____ I I Am An American Day, 1948, proclama- tion..........-------------------- Ibarra, Simon Fermin, admission for permanent residence -----------. .. Iceland, Economic Cooperation, agree- ment-- - --------- .- -. - - __-.-.-___ Ide, Takao Grant, pardon of-------- .___ Ikemiya, Joe Yoshikazi, pardon of _- - .- Ikemiya, Masaru Jim, pardon of . .. __- Ikemoto, Harry Yoshiaki, pardon of-._ . . Imai, Masefumi, pardon of --- _______-- Immigrants. See Aliens. Import Restrictions, Quantitative, defer- ment of payments, modification of agreement of June 24, 1947, with Sweden.__- - -- - - -- ______ .___.___- Inaba, Hitoshi, pardon of ______._--__-- Inauguration of President-elect, joint committee on arrangements, appoint- ment_ - .___ ___ ___ __ Income Taxes, Individual, Reduction of, printing of additional copies of hear- ings --------- __

_-----_ 1427 Page 1450 1428 1430 1417 1389 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1551 1450 1333 1450 1334 1581 1450 1450 1296 1392 1450 1408 1497 1302 2363 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450 1840 1450 1430 INDEX