Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1275

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. 2564 Ante, p. 2553. Ante, p. 2555. ments of Sweden for domestic use" r'ould include the maintenance of reasonable stocks of the materials concerned and that the phrase "commercial export" might include barter transactions. It is also understood that arrangemente ne- gotiated under Article IV might appropriately include provision for consultation, in accordance with the principles Of Article 32 of the Havana Charter for an International trade Organization, in the event that stockpiles are liquidated. 6. It is understood that the Government of Sweden will not be requested, under paragrsph 2 (a) of Article VI, to furnish detailed information about minor projects or confidential commercial or technical information the disclo- sure of which would injure legi- timate commercial interests. 7. It is understood that the Government of the United States of America in making the noti- fications refereed to in parasr'aph 2 of Aftlele VT1 would bear in mind te 4eesrat5lity of restrict- ing,80fre tpaaticable, the number to OffUc1als for whom full diplomatic prtilegees would be re- quested. It is also understood that the detailed application of Article VIII would, when necessary, be the subject of inter-governmen- tal discussion. ges skaliga behov fUr irheosk an- vandning" skall innefatta bibe- hallandet av rimliga lager av ifragavarandd Varor och att ut- trycket "kommersiOll export" kan innefatta kompeneationsaffarer. Det ar Even unde'farstlatt att an- ordningar, varom forhandlingar skett enligt artikel IV, lampligen kunna innefatta bestammelser an- glende samrad i eaiighet med prin- ciperna i artikel 32 i Havana- stadgan angaende en internationell handelsorganisatioi, for den han- delae reservlagar skola avvecklas. 6. Det ar underfirstatt att hemstallan till Sveriges regering icke kommer att goras enligt moment 2 a) av artikel VI, an. g&ende detaljerade uppgifter rorande mindre lnvesteringsplaner eller konfidentiella kommersiella eller tekniska uppgifter, vilkas utlUmnande skulle skada.legitima kommersiella intressen. 7. Det ar underforstatt att FPrenta Staternas regering, nar den limnaT meddelande enligt moment 2 av artikel VIII, skall beakta Indakvrdheten att sevitt majligt begrinsa antalet tjanste- man far vilka fulla diplomatiska privileglet begaras. Det ar aves underfUratatt att tillampningen i detalj av artikel VIII skall, nar s& erfordras, goras till fare- mal fSr Uverlaggningar mellan re- geringarna.