Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1271

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Modification, etc. Post, p. 2561. Termination. Ante, p. 2550 . Ante, p. 2554 . 2. If,during the life of this Agreement, cither Government should consider there has been a fundamen, tal change in the basic assumptions underlying this Agreement, it shall so notify the other Government in writing and the two Governments will thereupon con.ult with a view to agreeing upon the amendment, modifi- cation or termination of this Agree- ment. If, after three months from such notification,the two Govern- ments have not agreed upon the action to be taken in the circumstances, either Government may give notice in writing to the other of inten- tion to terminate this Agreement. Then, subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article, this Agreement shall terminate either: (a) six months after the date of such notice of intention to terminate, or (b) after such shorter period as may be agreed to be sufficient to ensure that the obligations of the Govexmment of Sweden arc per- formed in respect of any assistance which may continue to be furnished by the Government of the United States of America after the date of such notices provided, however, that Article IV and paragraph 3 of Article VI shall remain in effect until two years after the date of such notice of 2560 2. Om under denna overens- kommel-ses giltighetstid endera regeringen skulle anse att en fundamental andring skett i de grund ltggande fd rut sttningarna for denna dverenskommelse, skall den underratta den andra regeringen harom skriftligen, och de tva re- geringrna skola darefter samrAda fidr att uppgSra om tillagg till, andring eller upphdrande av iver- enskommelsen. Om de tva regering- arna icke tre manader efter sa- dan notifikation enats om vilka atgarder, som bora vidtagas under omstdndigheterna, ma endera re- geringen lamna den andra skriftlig notifikation om sin avsikt att bringa dverenskommelsen till upphdrande. Med fUrbehall far be- stammelserna i moment 3 av denna artikel skall darefter overenskom- Zelsen upphbra antingen a) sex mAnader efter dagen fdrsAdan notifikation on avsikt att bringa dverenskommelsen till upphsrande, eller b) efter sAdan kortare period varom overenskommelse mS traffas, son ar tillrecklig fdr att stker- stalla att Sveriges regerins Ataganden genomfdras med avseen- de p& sadant bistand som fort- sittningavis mA lamnas av PFrenta Staternas regering ofter tid- pan;ten fdr notifikationen; dock att artikel IV och moment ) av artikel VI skola fdrbliva i kraft ytterligare tvA ar efter dagen for notifikationen, dock