Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1268

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62 STAT.] SWEDEN-ECONOMIC COOPERATION-JULY 3, 1948 Article IX (Settlement of Claims of Nationals) 1. The Governments of the United States of America and Sweden sgree to submit to the decision of the International Court of Justice any plaim espoused by either Government on behalf- of one of its nationals against.the other Government for compensation for damage arising as a conseqlence of governmental measures (other than measures con- cerning enemy property or interests) taken after April 3, 1948, -by.the other Government and affecting pro- perty or interests of such national, including contracts with or conces- sions granted by duly authorized authorities of such other Government. It is understood that the undertaking of each Government in respect of claims espoused by the other Govern- ment pursuant to this paragraph is made in the case of each Government under the authority of and is limited by the terms and conditions of such effective recognition as it has here- tofore given to the compulsory juris- diction.of the International Court of Justice under Article 36 of the Sta- tute of the Court. The provisions of this paragraph shall be in all respects without prejudice to other rights of access, if any, of either Government to the International Court of Justice or to the espousal Artikel IX (Reglering av enakilda medborga- res ansprAk) 1. FPrenta Staternas och 3ve- riges regeringar samtycka att understella Internationella dom- stolen varje ansprak, som omfat- tas av endera regeringen p& en av dess medborgares vegnar gentemot den andra regeringen betraffande ersdttning f8r skada, som upp- kommit till f'dljd av statliga atgarder (med undantag av atgar- der avseendeqgendom eller intres- sen tillhUriga fientlig makt) vid- tagna efter den 3 april 1948 av den andra regaringen och avseenda s&dan medborgares egendom eller intressen, dgribland kontrakt eller konoessioner som beviljats av den andra regeringens veder- borligen behoriga myndigheter. Det er underforstatt att vardera re- gerinagns atgande med avseende A ansprak, som enligt detta moment omfattas 'av den andra regeringen, for vardera regeringens del sker i kraft av och begr[nsas genom villkoren och forbeh&llen i det Sallande erkannande av den Inter- nationella domstolens obligatoris- ka jurisdiktion enlist artikel 36 i domstolens stadga som regering- en i fraga tidigare avgivit. Be- stdmielserna i detta stycke skola ibke i nagot avseende inkrskta pA endera regeringens Uvriga even- 68706°-1-PT. II --80 2557 5 Stat.106 .