Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/119

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CHS. 635-A, 638-JUNE 24, 25, 1948 [CHAPTER 635-A] AN ACT To authorize the promotion of Lieutenant General Leslie Richard Groves to the permanent grade of major general, United States Army, and for other purposes. Whereas the development of an atomic bomb by the Manhattan Engi- neer District, United States Army, during World War II represents not only the greatest achievement in weapon production but also one of the greatest achievements in the coordination of science, industry, and management in world history and was also a major factor in bringing that war to an earlier victorious close resulting in the sav- ing of thousands of lives and great stores of resources; and Whereas this accomplishment has also opened unlimited possibilities for peacetime and humanitarian application and expansion of atomic science for future use for the benefit of mankind; and Whereas this initial achievement was successfully concluded under the leadership, supervision, and direction of Leslie Richard Groves, as Director of the Manhattan Engineer District, with superior judg- ment and courage and in accordance with the highest traditions of the United States Army; and Whereas the said Leslie Richard Groves has requested that he be retired from service as an officer of the United States Army and such retirement has been authorized; and Whereas the American people and the Congress of the United States deeply appreciate the outstanding and unique service to the Nation and to humanity thus rendered by the said Leslie Richard Groves and desire to express this appreciation by means of official recogni- tion thereof: Therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is authorized and requested to appoint, without confirmation by the Senate, Leslie Richard Groves, Army serial number 0-12043, lieuten- ant general, Army of the United States, to the permanent grade of major general in the Regular Army, such appointment to be effective as of the day prior to the effective date of his retirement from the active list of the Regular Army and such appointment shall entitle him to receive the retired pay of major general of the Regular Army. SEC. 2 . The President is further authorized and requested, without confirmation by the Senate, to place the said Leslie Richard Groves on the retired list with the rank and grade of lieutenant general with honorary date of rank thereof as of July 16, 1945, which date com- memorates the first explosion by man of an atomic bomb, at the Trinity site, Alamogordo, New Mexico. Such advancement in grade and rank on the retired list, however, shall not result in any increase in retired pay. paC. 3. This Act shall result in no permanent increase in the author- ized number of major generals on the active list of the Regular Army. Approved June 24, 1948. [CHAPTER 638] AN ACT For the relief of Frantisek Jiri Pavlik or Georg Pavlik. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That Frantisek Jiri Pavlik or Georg Pavlik, who arrived at the port of Boston on Septem- ber 21, 1945, as a stowaway, shall, upon the payment of the required 1393 June 24, 1948 [S. 2223] [Private Law 394-A] Lt. Gen. Leslie Richard Groves. Appointment to permanent grade of major general. Placement on re- tired list. June 25, 1948 [H. R. 1409] [Private Law 395] Frantisek Jiri Pav- lik or Georg Pavlik.