Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1183

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. performed in respect of any as- sistance which may continue to be furnished by the Government of the United States of America after the date of such notice; pro- Ante, p. 2462 . vided, however, that Article V Ante, p. 245. and paragraph 3 of Article VII shall remain in effect until two years after the date of such notice of intention to terminate, but not later than June 3o, 1953. mbsidiS agree- 3. Subsidiary agreements and arrangements negociated pursuant to this Agreement may remain in force beyond the date of termina- tion of this Agreement and the period of effectiveness of such sub- sidiary Agreements and arrange- ments shall be governed by their Ante, p. 2459. own terms. Article IV shall re- main in effect until all the sums in the currency of Luxembourg required to be deposited in accord- ance with its own terms have been disposed of as provided in that Article. Ante, p. 2458. Paragraph 2 of Article III shall remain in effect for so long as the guaranty payments referred to in that Article may be made by the Government of the United States of America. Amendment. 4. This Agreement may be Antt, p. 2471. Antep2471 amended at any time by agree- ment between the two Govern- ments. 5. The Annex to this Agree- ment forms an integral part there- Registration. of. 6. This Agreement shall be reg- istered with the Secretary-Gen- eral of the United Nations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the re- spective representatives, duly au- thorized for the purpose, have signed the present Agreement. Authentic texts. DONE at Luxembourg, in dupli- cate, in the English and French Luxembourg sont executes a Rl'gard de toute aide que le Gouverne- ment am6ricain pourrait continuer a lui apporter apres la date de cette notification; etant entendu toutefois que 1'Article V et le paragraphe 3 de I'article VII resteront en vigueur deux ans apres la date de la notification de l'intention de mettre fin a l'Ac- cord, mais en aucun cas apres le 3o juin 1953. 3. Les accords et les arrange- ments compl6mentaires qui seront n6gocies en execution du present Accord pourront rester en vigueur au delA de 1'expiration du present Accord, et la periode d'application de ces accords et arrangements complementaires sera d6terminde par leurs propres termes. L'Ar- ticle IV restera en vigueur jusqu'a ce que toutes les sommes en francs luxembourgeois a verser en conformit6 avec ses propres dispositions aient et6 utilisees comme pr6vu par cet Article. Le paragraphe 2 de l'article III restera en vigueur aussi long- temps que la garantie de paye- ment visee par cet Article pourra etre donnee par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amerique. 4. Le present Accord pourra etre amend6e tout moment par decision commune des deux Gou- vernements. 5. L'annexe au present Accord en fait partie integrante. 6. Le present Accord sera en- registr6 par le Secretaire general des Nations Unies. EN FOI DE QUOI, les represen- tants respectifs des deux Gouver- nements, dliment autorises Acette fin, ont signe le present Accord. FAIT A Luxembourg, , le trois juillet 1948, en deux exemplaires, 2472