Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1061

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2346 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Post,p. 2360 . 2. he Govenumnta of the United States of America and Greeoe further agree that such claimsa a be referred, in lieu of the Court, to any arbitral tribunal nutually agreed upon. 3. It is further understood that neither Governmant wil espome a claim purauant to this Article until its national has exhausted the remediea available to him in the adminis- trative and Judicial tribunals of the country in which the claim arose. Article ipi (Definitions) "Part i c ipting As used in this Agroeemnt the teram participating country country." means (i) any country which aigned the Report of the Con.ittee of European oEonoric Cooperation at Param on September 32, 1947, and territories for mhich it has international responsibility and to which the Eoonocmo Cooperation Agreemt oonoluded between that ooatry and the Oovernmet of the United States of America bha been applied, and (ii) any other ooutry (inealudin uay of the »ones'of occupation of Garnsy, and areas under international adminiatrtin or oontrol, and the Free Territory of Trieste or either of its oea) wholly or pertly in Europe, together with dependent areas under its admniatrationm for so lang as much oontry is a party to the ConaTtion for Europea Economic Cooperation and adihres to a joint program for European re- oosory desiined to accomJlijh the pupoe of this tAremat.