Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1031

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2316 Availability of sums for U. S . expenditures in Greece. 62Stat., Pt. 1 , p . 137. 62 Stat. , Pt. 1, p. 1054 . 3. The Government of the United States of Aaarla will from tima to time notify the Oovernment of Oreece of its re- quiroaents for adlinistrative expenditures in drachee within Greece incident to operations under the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, and the Oovernment of Greece will thereupon make such ums aTailable out of aay balancee in the Special Account in the manner requeeted by the Ovornment of the United Stateg of America in the notifioation. 4. Fie percent of each deposit made pursuant to this Artiele in respect of assistance furniehed under authority of the Foreign Aid Apropriation Act. 1949,, hall be allocated to the ueo of the Governnmt of the United States of Americl for Its expenditures ta Oreece. and som nade available pursuat to pragraph 3 of this Article hall firet be chargd to the auounts allocated under this paragraph. 6. Tho Oovernent of Oreece ill further sake sueh sumr of drachae available out of any balancee in the Special Account as mar be reiulred to coror coset (including port, etorage, handlin and similar charec) of transportation from any point of entry in Greece to the consigne's designated point of delivTry in Orece of euch relief wpplies and packagec as INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. complete any Importe Into Oreece. The Government of Oreeceo a at ua time ake advance deposite in the Special Account which shall be credited aga4lnt ubsequent notifications pursuant to this parapraph.