Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1003

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2288 Post, p. 2292. Post, p . 2292. 62Stat., Pt. 1, p. 137. Ante, p. 2288 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Agreement or to operations or arrangements carried out pursuant to this Agreement. 2. The Military Governors will communicate to the Government of the United States of America in a form and at intervals to be indicated by the latter after consultation with the Military Governors: (a) detailed information of projects, programs and measures pro- posed or adopted by the Military Governors to carry out the provisions of this Agreement and the General Obligations of the Convention for European Economic Cooperation; (b) full statements of operations under this Agreement, including a statement of the use of funds, commodities and services received thereunder, such statements to be made in each calendar quarter; (c) information regarding the economy of the United States/ United Kingdom occupied areas and any other relevant infor- mation, necessary to supplement that obtained by the Govern- ment of the United States of America from the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, which the Government of the United States of America may need to determine the nature and scope of operations under the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, and to evaluate the effectiveness of assistance furnished or contemplated under this Agreement and generally the prog- ress of the joint recovery program. 3. The Military Governors will assist the Government of the United States of America to obtain information relating to the materials originating in the United States/United Kingdom occupied areas referred to in Article V which is necessary to the formulation and execution of the arrangements provided for in that Article. Article VIII (Publicity) 1. The Government of the United States of America and the Mili- tary Governors recognize that it is in their mutual interest that full publicity be given to the objectives and progress of the joint program for European recovery and of the actions taken in furtherance of that program. It is recognized that wide dissemination of information on the progress of the program is desirable in order to develop the sense of common effort and mutual aid which are essential to the accom- plishment of the objectives of the program. 2. The Government of the United States of America will encourage the dissemination of such information and will make it available to the media of public information. 3. The Military Governors will encourage the dissemination of such information both directly and in cooperation with the Organization for European Economic Cooperation. They will make such informa- tion available to the media of public information and take all prac- ticable steps to ensure that appropriate facilities are provided for such dissemination. They will further provide other participating coun- tries and the Organization for European Economic Cooperation with full information on the progress of the Program for economic recovery.