Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/711

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 644-JUNE 25, 1948 in section 203 (a) of this title, members of the White House Police force may be appointed, and vacancies in such force filled, in accord- ance with the provisions of the civil-service laws and the regulations issued pursuant thereto. PRIVILEGES OF CIVIL-SERVICE APPOINTEES § 206. Members appointed pursuant to section 205 of this title shall be entitled to the same privileges as to salary, grade, uniforms, equipment, transfer, leave, relief funds, retirement, and refunds as members appointed from the Metropolitan Police force and the United States Park Police force. PARTICIPATION IN POLICE AND FIREMEN'S RELIEF FUND § 207. (a) For the purposes of retirement under section 12 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917, and for other purposes, approved Sep- tember 1, 1916, as amended, service with the United States Park Police force shall be deemed service with the White House Police force. (b) Any member of the Metropolitan Police force appointed to the White House Police force shall continue to be subject to the provisions of section 12 of such Act, and appointment of such member to the White House Police force or transfer of such member to his former organization shall not affect any right, privilege, or duty of such member under the provisions of such section of such Act. APPROPRIATION TO CARRY OUT PROVISIONS § 208. There is authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 202-204, 207, and 208 of this title. SEC. 2. The provisions of title 3, "The President", set out in section 1 of this Act, shall be construed as a continuation of existing law and no loss of rights, interruption of jurisdiction, nor prejudice to matters pending on the effective date of this Act shall result from its enactment. SEC. 3. The sections or parts thereof of the Revised Statutes or Statutes at Large enumerated in the following schedule are hereby repealed. Any rights or liabilities now existing under such sections or parts thereof shall not be affected by this repeal. U. S. Code U. S. Code Revised Statutes Revised Statutes Title Section Title Section Section: Section--Contined 131 1------------------- - --. 31. 144-----.........------. 3 15, note. 132.- -- -- --- --- ---- --- 32. 145 ----------

3 16. 133 ...---------- 33. 151- -- -- - 323 134--------

34. 152 ..-------


- 3 41. 137 .---------------------. 38. 153..--------..--------.. 3 42. 138-------------- - 3 9, note. 154 -------..- -....- -- -- - 344 139 ...- -

--- ---- --- ----

3 10. 1829 -.. .. . ------- -------- 3 49. 140 -------------- .-- -- -- -- 3 11, note. 1832 ---------------------- 3 0, note. 141..--- -------------- ----- 3 13,note. 1833 -- ....-------------- - 3 51, note. 143----------------------- 3 14, note. 1All provisions not heretofore affected or modified by Act Jan. 19, 1886, ch. 4, see. 3, 24 Stat. 2 . ' Only the words, "the President's House," appearing in this section. tOnly the word, "Extension" following the words, "Architect of the Capitol;" and the words, "and the President's Honse," appearing in this section. 681 Ante, p. 680. 39 Stat. 718. D. C. Code I t-0l et seq. Ante, p. 680; supre. Repeal.