Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/594

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564 PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 558-JUNE 19, 1948 [62 STAT. ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, AND IMPROVEMENTS For establishing and improving aids to navigation; the purchase or construction of additional and replacement vessels and their equip- ment; the purchase of aircraft and their equipment; the construction, rebuilding, or extension of shore facilities, including the acquisition of sites and improvements thereon when specifically approved by the Secretary; and for expenditures directly relating thereto, including personal services at the seat of government; in all, $11,138,755, to remain available until expended. GENERAL PROVISIONS Payment of salary, SEC. 102. No part of any appropriation or authorization in this Act etc., restriction. shall be used to pay any part of the salary or expenses of any person whose salary or expenses are prohibited from being paid from any appropriation or authorization in any other Act. Citation oftitle. SEC. 103. This title may be cited as "The Supplemental Treasury Department Appropriation Act, 1949". TITLE II-POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT (Out of the postal revenues) For additional amounts for appropriations of the Post Office Department, fiscal year 1949, as folows: POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SALARIES IN BUREAUS AND OFFICES Antep.416. Salaries, Office of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, $167,500: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available only for temporary personnel services in the District of Columbia, includ- ing services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2 1946 60 Stat. 810. (5 U. S. C. 55a), in connection with rate hearings before the inter- state Commerce Commission; . Ant, p. 417. Salaries, Office of the Solicitor, $25,000; FrILD SERVICE, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE POSTMASTER GENERAL Ante, p. 417. Damage claims, $175,000; OFFICE OF THE FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Ante, p. 419. Rural delivery service, $4,100,000; Ante, pp. 419,420. OFFICE OF THE SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Balances due foreign countries, $12,000,000; Indemnities, international mail, $25,000; Foreign air mail service, $6,883,000; Domestic air mail service, $15,401,000; Ante, p. 420. OFFICE OF THE THIRD ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Stamps and stamped paper, $1,836,000; Indemnities, domestic mail, $331,000; Unpaid money orders, $400,000; Ante, p. 420 . OFFICE OF THE FOURTH ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Miscellaneous supplies and equipment, $3,000,000; Equipment shops, Washington, District of Columbia, $13,000,000;