Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/546

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 543 -JUNE 19, 1948 Payment of claims. 61 Stat. 7. 21U. .C., Supp.I, §§ 114b-l14d. 7U.S. ., Supp. I, 391 note. 23 Stat. 31 . Ante, p. 198. Basis of appraise- ment. Group appraisal for poultry. 43 Stat. 243. 32 Stat. 196. 60 Stat. 300 . 36 Stat. 264. Plant and soil in- vestigations. Airplanes. eases in poultry, including the payment of claims growing out of past and future purchases and destruction of animals (including poultry) affected by or exposed to, or of materials contaminated by or exposed to, any such disease, wherever found and irrespective of ownership, under like or substantially similar circumstances, when such owner has complied with all lawful quarantine regulations; and for foot- and-mouth disease and rinderpest programs undertaken pursuant to the provisions of the Act of February 28,1947 (Public Law 8, Eightieth Congress), and the Act of May 29, 1884, as amended (7 U. S . C ., 391; 21 U. S. C., 111-122), including expenses in accordance with section 2 of said Public Law 8, the Secretary may transfer from other appro- priations or funds available to the bureaus, corporations, or agencies of the Department such sums as he may deem necessary, to be available only in an emergency which threatens the livestock or poultry industry of the country, and any unexpended balances of funds transferred under this head in the fiscal year 1948 shall be merged with such transferred amounts: Provided,That, except for payments made pur- suant to said Public Law 8, the payment for such animals hereafter purchased may be made on appraisement based on the meat, egg- production, dairy, or breeding value, but in case of appraisement based on breeding value no appraisement of any such animal shall exceed three times its meat, egg-production, or dairy value, and, except in case of an extraordinary emergency, to be determined by the Secre- tary, the payment by the United States Government for any such ani- mals shall not exceed one-half of any such appraisements: Provided further, That poultry may be appraised in groups when the basis for appraisal is the same for each bird. BUREAU or DAIRY INDUSTRY Salaries and expenses: For necessary expenses, including not to exceed $515,300 for personal services in the District of Columbia, in carrying out the provisions of the Act of May 29, 1924 (7 U. S. C. 401-404), including investigations, experiments, and demonstrations in dairy industry, for carrying out the applicable provisions of the Act of May 9, 1902 (26 U. S. C . 2325, 2326 (c)), relating to process or renovated butter, as amended by the Act of June 24, 1946 (Public Law 427), and the Act of May 23, 1908 (21 U. S . C . 94 (a)), insofar as it relates to the exportation of process or renovated butter, $1,050,000. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY, SOILS, AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for investigations, experiments, and demon- strations in connection with the production and improvement of farm crops and other plants and plant industries; soils and soil-plant rela- tionships, and the application of engineering principles to agricul- ture; plant diseases, including nematodes, and methods for their prevention and control; plant and plant-disease collections and sur- veys; the distribution of weeds and means for their control; methods of handling, processing, transportation, and storage of agricultural products; and plants in foreign countries and our possessions for introduction into the United States, including explorations and surveys, and propagation and testing in this country; for the opera- tion and maintenance of airplanes; and for personal services in the city of Washington, as follows: Field crops: For investigations on the production, improvement, and diseases of alfalfa, barley, clover, corn, cotton, flax, grasses, oats, 516 [62 STAT.