Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/496

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 481 -JUNE 16, 1948 "ADMINISTRATION 58 Stat. 691. 42U.S. C. 241. Post, pp . 467, 468, 601,1017. Acceptance of con- ditional gifts. 58 Stat. 709. 42 U.. 0.. 219. Review of research projects. Review of applica- tions for grants-in- aid. Collection and dis- semination of infor- mation. Recommendations. 58 Stat. 709. 42U.S. .. 219. "SEC. 413. (a) In carrying out the provisions of section 412 all appropriate provisions of section 301 shall be applicable to the authority of the Surgeon General, and grants-in-aid for heart disease research and training projects shall be made only after review and recommendation of the Council made pursuant to section 414. "(b) The Surgeon General shall recommend to the Administrator acceptance of conditional gifts, pursuant to section 501, for study, investigation, or research into the cause, prevention, or methods of diagnosis or treatment of heart diseases, or for the acquisition of grounds or for the erection, equipment, or maintenance of premises, buildings, or equipment of the Institute. Donations of $50,000 or over for carrying out the purposes of this part may be acknowledged by the establishment within the Institute of suitable memorials to the donors. "cFUNCTIONS OF THE COUNCIL "SEc. 414 . The Council is authorized to- "(a) review research projects or programs submitted to or initiated by it relating to the study of the cause, prevention, or methods of diagnosis or treatment of heart diseases, and certify approval to the Surgeon General, for prosecution under section 412, any such projects which it believes show promise of making valuable contributions to human knowledge with respect to the cause, prevention, or methods of diagnosis or treatment of heart diseases; "(b) review applications from any university, hospital, labora- tory or other institution or agency, whether public or private, or from individuals, for grants-in-aid for research projects relating to heart diseases, and certify to the Surgeon General its approval of grants-in-aid in the cases of such projects which show promise of making valuable contributions to human knowledge with respect to the cause, prevention, or methods of diagnosis or treatment of heart disease; "(c) review applications from any public or other nonprofit institution for grants-in-aid for training2 instruction, and trainee- ships in matters relating to the diagnosis, prevention, and treat- ment of heart diseases, and certify to the Surgeon General its approval of such applications for grants-in-aid as it determines will best carry out the purposes of this Act; "(d) collect information as to studies which are being carried on in the United States or any other country as to the cause, prevention, or methods of diagnosis or treatment of heart diseases, by correspondence or by personal investigation of such studies, and with the approval of the Suregon General make available such information through appropriate publications for the benefit of health and welfare agencies and organizations (public or private), physicians, or any other scientists, and for the infor- mation of the general public; "(e) recommend to the Surgeon General for acceptance condi- tional gifts pursuant to section 501 for carrying out the purposes of this part; and "(f) advise, consult with, and make recommendations to the Surgeon General with respect to carrying out the provisions of this part. "OTHE AUTHORBIT WrTL BRESPECT TO HEART DISEASES "SCz. 415. This partshall not be construed as superseding or limiting (a) the functions or authority of the Surgeon General or the Service or of any other officer or agency of the United States, relating to the m [62 STAT. 466