Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/39

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80rH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 36 -JAN. 27, 1948 ment agencies. Whenever the Secretary shall use the services, facili- ties, or personnel of any Government agency for activities under authority of this Act, the Secretary shall pay for such performance out of funds available to the Secretary under this Act, either in advance, by reimbursement, or direct transfer. The Secretary shall include in each report submitted to the Congress under section 1008 a statement of the services, facilities, and personnel of other Govern- ment agencies utilized in carrying on activities under the authority of this Act, showing the names and salaries of the personnel utilized, or performing services utilized, during the period covered by such report, and the amounts paid to such other agencies under this section as payment for such performance. TECHNICAL AND OTHER SERVICES SEC. 402. A Government agency, at the request of the Secretary, may perform such technical or other services as such agency may be competent to render for the government of another country desirous of obtaining such services, upon terms and conditions which are satis- factory to the Secretary and to the head of the Government agency, when it is determined by the Secretary that such services will con- tribute to the purposes of this Act. However, nothing in this Act shall authorize the performance of services relating to the organization training, operation, development, or combat equipment of the armed forces of a foreign government. POLICY GOVERNING SERVICES SEC. 403. In authorizing the performance of technical and other serv- ices under this title, it is the sense of the Congress (1) that the Secre- tary shall encourage through any appropriate Government agency the performance of such services to foreign governments by qualified private American individuals and agencies, and shall not enter into the performance of such services to any foreign government where such services may be performed adequately by qualified private Amer- ican individuals and agencies and such qualified individuals and agen- cies are available for the performance of such services; (2) that if such services are rendered by a Government agency they shall demon- strate the technical accomplishments of the United States, such services being of an advisory, investigative, or instructional nature, or a demon- stration of a technical process:(3) that such services shall not include the construction of public works or the supervision of the construction of public works, and that, under authority of this Act, a Government agency shall render engineering services related to public works only when the Secretary shall determine that the national interest demands the rendering of such services by a Government agency, but this policy shall not be interpreted to preclude the assignment of individual specialists as advisers to other governments as provided under title III of this Act, together with such incidental assistance as may be necessary for the accomplishment of their individual assignments. TITLE V-DISSEMINATING INFORMATION ABOUT THE UNITED STATES ABROAD GENERAL AUTHORIZATION SEC. 501. The Secretary is authorized, when he finds it appropriate, to provide for the preparation, and dissemination abroad, of infor- mation about the United States, its people, and its policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, and other information Report to Congress. Post, p. 14. Limitation on serv- lces relating to public works. Ante, p. 7. 9 62 STAT.]