Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/372

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 418, 419-JUNE 4,1948 Manager. 42 Stat. 1488. 6 u.s.S. i 661 -674. Ante, p. 340 Report to Congress. Act which have been held by the District of Columbia National Guard pending enactment of legislation are hereby transferred to the canteen fund of the District of Columbia National Guard. SEC. 9 . The Armory Board is authorized to employ and fix the compensation and term of a manager and such personnel as may be necessary in connection with the operation of the armory for the secondary purposes of this Act without regard to the provisions of the civil-service laws and Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and without regard to any prohibition against double salaries contained in any other law. Under the direction of the Board and with written authorization signed by the members thereof, said manager may exercise such of the powers vested in the Board by section 6 of this Act as the Board shall determine. SEC. 10. The Armory Board shall file with the Congress in January of each year a financial statement certified as to accuracy by the Auditor of the District of Columbia, a report of the activities and business at the armory during the preceding fiscal year, and recom- mendations to the Congress as to the future control and use of the armory. Approved June 4, 1948. [CHAPTER 419] lune 4, 148 [H. R. 6659] [Public Law 606] AN ACT To continue for a temporary period certain powers, authority, and discretion conferred on the President by the Second Decontrol Act of 1947, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Acond, war Powers United States of America in Congress assembled, That subsection (b) of section 1501 of the Second War Powers Act, 1942, as amended by 5 . ta.22Cupp.I , the Second Decontrol Act of 1947 (Public Law 188, Eightieth Con- app. 645(b). gress), and as further amended by the Act of February 28, 1948 Ante, p. 58. (Public Law 427, Eightieth Congress), is hereby amended by striking out "May 31, 1948" and inserting in lieu thereof "June 30, 1949'" Repeal.Subsection () (1) (C) of such section 1501 is hereby repealed Subsection (b) (1) (E) of such section 1501 is hereby amended by inserting before the semicolon at the end thereof a comma and the iNtrogeno' s ferti- following: "and nitrogenous compounds (including anhydrous am- monia), in any form? necessary for the manufacture and delivery of the nitrogenous fertilizer materials required for such export: Pro- vided, however, That 50 per centum of the export requirements of nitrogenous fertilizer materials to nonoccupied areas shall be supplied out of nitrogenous fertilizer materials or nitrogenous compounds (including anhydrous ammonia) produced in plants operated by or for the Department of the Army and notwithstanding any other pro- vision of law the Department of the Army is authorized to produce and sell such nitrogenous fertilizer materials and nitrogenous com- pounds (including anhydrous ammonia) to fill such 50 per centum of 0US C. aaSupp.I , such export requirements". Subsection (c) of such section 1501 is app. 645 (5. hereby amended by striking out "May 31, 1948" and inserting in lieu e, . 8. thereof "June 30, 1949". Effective date. SE. 2 . The provisions of this Act shall take effect as of the close of May 31, 1948, and all regulations, orders, directives, directions, requirements, and delegations issued under title III of the Second 50 u.'. . app. War Powers Act, 1942, as amended, which were in effect on May 31, I3; sup. I, i0 33 1948, shall be in effect in the same manner and to the same extent as if this Act had been enacted on May 31, 1948, and any proceeding, petition, application, or appeal which was pending on May 31, 1948, under such title III, as amended, or under any regulation, order, direc- 342 [62 STAT.