Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/37

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80TH CONG. , 2 D SESS.-CH. 36 -JAN . 27, 1948 TITLE II-INTERCHANGE OF PERSONS, KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS PERSONS SEc. 201. The Secretary is authorized to provide for interchanges on a reciprocal basis between the United States and other countries of students, trainees, teachers, guest instructors, professors, and lead- ers in fields of specialized knowledge or skill and shall wherever pos- sible provide these interchanges by using the services of existing reputable agencies which are successfully engaged in such activity. The Secretary may provide for orientation courses and other appro- priate services for such persons from other countries upon their arrival in the United States, and for such persons going to other countries from the United States. When any country fails or refuses to cooper- ate in such program on a basis of reciprocity the Secretary shall ter- minate or limit such program, with respect to such country, to the extent he deems to be advisable in the interests of the United States. The persons specified in this section shall be admitted as nonimmigrant visitors for business under clause 2 of section 3 of the Immigration Act of 1924, as amended (43 Stat. 154; 8 U. S . C . 203), for such time and under such conditions as may be prescribed by regulations pro- mulgated by the Secretary of State and the Attorney General. A person admitted under this section who fails to maintain the status under which he was admitted or who fails to depart from the United States at the expiration of the time for which he was admitted, or who engages in activities of a political nature detrimental to the inter- ests of the United States, or in activities not consistent with the security of the United States, shall, upon the warrant of the Attorney General, be taken into custody and promptly deported pursuant to section 14 of the Immigration Act of 1924 (43 Stat. 162, 8 U. S . C . 214). Deportation proceedings under this section shall be summary and the findings of the Attorney General as to matters of fact shall be conclusive. Such persons shall not be eligible for suspension of deportation under clause 2 of subdivision (c) of section 19 of the Immigration Act of February 5, 1917 (54 Stat. 671, 56 Stat. 1044; 8 U.S.C .155). BOOKS AND MATERIALS SEC. 202. The Secretary is authorized to provide for interchanges between the United States and other countries of books and periodicals, including government publications, for the translation of such writ- ings, and for the preparation, distribution, and interchange of other educational materials. INSTrTrTIONS SEc. 203. The Secretary is authorized to provide for assistance to schools, libraries, and community centers abroad, founded or spon- sored by citizens of the United States, and serving as demonstration centers for methods and practices employed in the United States. In assisting any such schools, however, the Secretary shall exercise no control over their educational policies and shall in no case furnish assistance of any character which is not in keeping with the free democratic principles and the established foreign policy of the United States. TITLE I--ASSIGNMENT OF SPECIALISTS PERSONS TO BE ASSIGNED SEO. 301. The Secretary is authorized, when the government of another country is desirous of obtaining the services of a person having Post, p. 227. Termination orlimi- tation of program. Admission of per- sons; status. Deportation author- ity. Post, p. 1206. Po,. p. ». 62 STAT. ]