Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/289

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80TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 333 -MAY 21, 1948 further, That any obligation incurred hereunder shall be subject to the general provisions of the Military Appropriation Act for the fiscal year in which such obligation is incurred. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY-MILITARY FUNCTIONS CORPS OF ENGINEERS ENGINEER SERVICE, ARMY Engineer service: For an additional amount for "Engineer Serv- ice", including salaries and expenses of district and division offices, master and advance planning, engineering studies, and engineer activities in overseas areas, $20,849,000. Barracks and quarters, Army: For an additional amount for "Bar- racks and quarters, Army", including expenses incident to the dis- position of surplus facilities, $5,051,000; and in addition $5,900,000 to be derived by transfer in the amounts indicated from the following fiscal year 1948 appropriations: "Special field exercises", $2,600,000; "Training and operation, Army Ground Forces", $300,000; "Medical and Hospital Department, Army", $2,000,000; and "Transportation service, Army", $1,000,000. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS CONSTRUCTION OF AIRCRAFT AND RELATED PROCUREMENT For new construction and procurement of aircraft and equipment, spare parts and accessories therefor, including expansion of public plants or private plants (not to exceed $500,000), and government- owned equipment and installation thereof in public or private plants, and for the employment of group IVb personnel in the Bureau of Aeronautics necessary for the purposes of this appropriation, to remain available until expended, $315,000,000, of which $150,000,000 is for liquidation of obligations incurred under authority heretofore granted to enter into contracts for the foregoing purposes, including not to exceed $20,000,000 for liquidation of obligations incurred during fiscal year 1945 against appropriation "Aviation Navy, 1945"; and in addition, the Secretary of the Navy is authorized, until June 30, 1949, to enter into contracts for the purposes of this appropriation in an amount not to exceed $588,000,000: Provided, That the unexpended balances of the appropriations of $310,000,000 and $90,000,000 which were made available until expended for the foregoing purposes by the Navy Department Appropriation Act, 1947, and the Navy Depart- ment Appropriation Act, 1948, respectively, shall be consolidated with this appropriation, to be disbursed and accounted for as one fund: Provided further, That any obligation incurred hereunder shall be subject to the general provisions of the Navy Department Appropri- ation Act for the fiscal year in which such obligation is incurred. SEC. 2. The Secretary of Defense shall report to the Committees on Appropriations and Armed Services of the Congress not later than June 30, 1948, and quarterly thereafter, the amounts obligated under the contract authorizations provided for in this Act and such reports shall include a statement of finding by the President that the contracts let are necessary in the interests of the national defense and that the contract specifications insure the maximum utilization of improve- ments in aircraft and equipment consistent with the defense needs of the United States. SEC. 3. (a) All contracts in excess of $1,000 entered into under the authority of this Act, obligating funds appropriated hereby, obligating Ante, p. 223; post, p. 1041. 61 Stat. 551, 563, 560, 658. 58 Stat. 312. 60 Stat. 491. 61 Stat. 388. Report to Congres- sional Committees. Renegotiaton Act 01948. 62 STAT.] 259