Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/286

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 328-MAY 21, 1948 Vessel moved from dock, etc. Infra. Infra. Departure from rules. Negligence. "Right rudder. " "Left rudder." Rules and regula- tions. 26 Stat. 328 . 33U.. c.. 131. Publication. Penalty for pilots, etc. Ante, p. 250. Supra. approaching steam vessel that may be within hearing around the bend. Should such signal be so answered by a steam vessel upon the farther side of such bend, then, immediately upon sighting each other, the usual signals for meeting and passing shall be given and answered. Regardless of whether an approaching vessel on the farther side of the bend is heard, such bend shall be rounded with alertness and caution. "(c) When a steam vessel is moved from her dock, or anchorage, she shall give the same signal as in the case of a steam vessel nearing a bend, but she and any approaching vessel shall be governed by rules 25 and 26 until her course is apparent, and then both vessels shall be governed by the other steering and sailing rules. "(For additional whistle signals and other regulations established by the Commandant, United States Coast Guard, see Pilot Rules for Western Rivers as prescribed under section 4233A.) "RULE NUMBERED 25. In obeying and construing these rules due regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision and to any special circumstances which may render a departure from the above rules necessary in order to avoid immediate danger. When such departure becomes necessary neither vessel shall have the right-of-way and both shall navigate with caution until danger of collision is over. "RILE NUaBSERED 26. Nothing in these rules shall exonerate any vessel, or the owner or master or crew thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to carry lights or signals, or of any neglect to keep a proper look-out, or of the neglect of any precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen, or by the special circum- stances of the case. "RuLE NUMBERED 27. All orders to helmsmen shall be given as follows: "'Right rudder' to mean 'Direct the vessel's head to starboard'. "'Left rudder' to mean 'Direct the vessel's head to port'. "SEc. 4233A. (a) The Commandant of the United States Coast Guard shall establish such rules to be observed on the waters men- tioned in the preceding section by steam vessels in passing each other and as to the lights to be carried on such waters by ferryboats and by vessels and craft of all types when in tow of steam vessels, or operating by hand power or horsepower or drifting with the current, and any other vessels not otherwise provided for, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as he from time to time may deem necessary for safety, which rules are hereby declared special rules duly made by local authority, as provided for in article thirty of chapter eight hundred and two of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety. Two printed copies of such rules shall be furnished to all vessels and craft mentioned in this subsection, which rules shall, where practicable, be kept posted up in conspicuous places thereon. (b) Except in an emergency, before any rules or any alteration, amendment, or repeal thereof, are established by the Commandant of the United States Coast Guard under the provisions of this section, the said Commandant shall publish such rules, alterations, amend- ments, and repeals and public hearings shall be held with respect thereto before the Coast Guard Merchant Marine Council on such notice as the Commandant deems reasonable under the circumstances. "SEC. 4233B. Every licensed or unlicensed pilot, engineer, mate, or master of any steam vessel, and every master or mate of any barge, canal boat, scow, or other nondescript craft. who neglects or refuses to observe the provisions of section 4233, or the regulations established in pursuance of section 4233A, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding $500, and for all damages sustained by any passenger in his person or baggage by such neglect or refusal: Provided, That nothing herein shall relieve any vessel, owner, or corporation from any liability incurred by reason of such neglect or refusal. 256 [62 STAT.