Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/263

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80TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 286-MAY 12, 1948 complement of any vessel prescribed pursuant to section 4463 of the Revised Statutes, as amended (46 U. S . C ., sec. 222), includes one or more radiotelegraph operators such operators shall be required to be licensed officers. SEC. 2 . The boards of local inspectors authorized under section 4414 of the Revised Statutes (U. S . C., 1940 edition, title 46, sec. 382) shall license radiotelegraph operators, and it shall be unlawful to employ any person or for any person to serve as a radiotelegraph oper- ator of any steamer or of any other vessel of over one hundred gross tons carrying passengers for hire who is not licensed by the inspectors; and anyone violating this section shall be liable to a penalty of $100 for each offense. SEC. 3. Whenever any person applies for authority to perform the duties of radiotelegraph operator of any vessel, the inspectors shall require possession of a valid first- or second-class radiotelegraph oper- ator license issued by the Federal Communications Commission; and if, upon full consideration, they are satisfied that his character, habits of life, and physical condition are such as to authorize the belief that he is a suitable and safe person to be entrusted with the powers and duties of such a station, they shall grant him a license, authorizing him to be employed in such duties for the term of five years, provided he continues to hold a valid first- or second-class radiotelegraph oper- ator license issued by the Federal Communications Commission. All licenses issued under this section shall be subject to suspension or revocation on the same grounds and in the same manner and with like procedure as is provided in the case of suspension or revocation of license of officers under the provisions of section 4450 of the Revised Statutes, as amended. SEC. 4. (a) Section 2 of the Act of March 4, 1915, as amended (U.S . C ., 1940 edition, title 46, sec. 673), is amended by striking out the period after the words "management of the vessel" and inserting a colon and the following words: "Provided,That in the case of radio- telegraph operators this requirement shall be applicable only when three or more radio officers are employed." (b) Nothing in this Act shall be presumed to repeal the provisions of section 2 of the Act of March 4, 1915, as amended (U. S. C., 1940 edition, title 46, sec. 673), limiting the work of radiotelegraph opera- tors to eight hours in one day. SEC. 5 . Every radiotelegraph operator who receives a license shall, before entering upon his duties, make oath before one of the inspectors herein provided for, to be recorded with the certificate, that he will faithfully and honestly, according to his best skill and judgment, with- out concealment or reservation, perform all the duties required of him by law. Every applicant for license as radiotelegraph operator under the provisions of this Act shall make and subscribe to an oath or affirma- tion, before one of the inspectors referred to in this Act, to the truth of all the statements set forth in his application for such license. Any person who shall make or subscribe to any oath or affirmation authorized in this Act and knowing the same to be false shall be deemed guilty of perjury. Every radiotelegraph operator, who shall change, by addition, in- terpolation, or erasure of any kind, any certificate or license issued by an inspector or inspectors referred to in this Act shall, for every such offense, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment at hard labor for a term not exceeding three years. SEC. 6. Every radiotelegraph operator who shall receive a license shall, when employed upon any vessel, within forty-eight hours after going on duty, place his certificate of license, which shall be framed under glass, in some conspicuous place in such vessel, where it can Licensing by boards of local inspectors. Requirements. Suspension or rev- ocation. 46U.S. C. §239. 38 Stat. 1164 . 38 Stat. 1164 . Oath. Change of licese by operator. Posting liese on vesseL 233 62 STAT.]