Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/230

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200 April 27, 1948 I[. 15831 [Public Law 499] University of Mary- land. Conveyance. April 27, 1948 [S. 560] [Public Law 500] Operation of gam- bling ships. "Gambling ship." "Gambling estab- lishment." "Vessel." "'American vessel." PUBLIC LAWS-OHS. 232, 235-APR. 27, 1948 [CHAPTER 232] AN ACT [62 STAT. To provide for the conveyance to the State of Maryland, for the use of the Uni- versity of Maryland, of the northern portion of a parcel of land previously constituting a part of the campus of the university and previously conveyed by the State of Maryland to the United States for the use of the Bureau of Mines. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to convey by quitclaim deed to the State of Maryland, for the use of the University of Maryland, a tract of land in Prince Georges County, Maryland, described as follows: Beginning at the stone monument that marks the corner formed by the intersection of boundary lines of the lands now or formerly owned by John and Rachel Keiley (liber S. D. H. 332, folio 113); Sam and - Buckley (liber 47, folio 325); Charles E., Harry W., James E. and Mary E. McNamee; and the University of Maryland (Maryland Agricultural College, liber C. S. M. 2, folio 294); near College Park, Prince Georges County, Maryland, and running thence with the line formerly owned by McNamee on the one side and the Bureau of Mines on the other side, south forty degrees forty-seven minutes, four seconds west nine hundred and thirty-nine and forty-six one-hundredths feet to an iron pipe marking what was formerly the Engle-McNamee corner (being part of the north forty-four degrees east two hundred and sixty-two and twenty twenty-fifths perches line of Maryland Agricultural College, liber C. S. M. 2, folio 294); thence north eighty-nine degrees thirty minutes no seconds east until it intersects the east line of the Bureau of Mines property seven hundred and one and eighty-eight one-hundredths feet; thence north no degrees thirty minutes west six hundred and sixty-six and thirty-nine one- hundredths feet to an iron pipe marking the northeast corner of the Bureau of Mines property; thence north sixty-four degrees forty-five minutes twenty-four seconds west ninety-one and seven one-hun- dredths feet along the University of Maryland (formerly Keiley) line to the point of begillning and( containing six and three thousand one hundred and forty-eight ten-thousan(lths acres. Approved April 27, 1948. [CHAPTER 235] AN ACT To prohibit the operation of gambling ships, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That as used in this Act- (a) The term "gambling ship" means a vessel used principally for the operation of one or more gambling establishments. (b) The term "gambling establishment" means any common gam- ing or gambling establishment operated for the purpose of gaming or gambling, including accepting, recording, or registering bets, or carrying on a policy game or any other lottery, or playing any game of chance, for money or other thing of value. (c) The term "vessel" includes every kind of water and air craft or other contrivance used or capable of being used as a means of trans- portation on water, or on water and in the air, as well as any ship. boat, barge, or other water craft or any structure capable of floating on the water. (d) The term "American vessel" means any vessel documented or numbered under the laws of the United States; and includes any