Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1478

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INDEX Wahiawa, Hawaii, naval installations, construction authorization ---- ____- Appropriation for --- ______-_______-- Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii, designation of certain lands leased to Wailuku Sugar Company, Limited, as available home lands------_ ____ ___ ____ ___ __ Waipio, Hawaii, construction of military installations, authorized ------- ____ Walker, G., payment to, authorized-- __ __ Walker, Minn., school facilities, appro- priation for extension -- -- _________ Wapato Indian Reservation, Wash., irriga- tion projects, appropriation for _____ War, Articles of. See Articles of War. War Assets Administration: Abolition and liquidation ------------ Administrative property, records, and accounts, transfer to Treasury De- partment, and other Government agencies ---- _ ------- -------- __ _ Aircraft, etc.; transfer to- Air Force, Department of the----_ __ Fish and Wildlife Service, Depart- ment of the Interior --_-- -..___ Alcohol plants, Kansas City, Mo., and Omaha, Nebr., transfer to Depart- ment of Agriculture-- _ __ _ _ _ -- -- -- Appropriation for _________- ----- --- Athletic equipment, disposal for en- couragement of athletic and sports programs, authorized - _-- ___.. _- Basic Magnesium project, Henderson, Nev., transfer of certain interests and facilities to Davis Dam project_ Camp White Hospital, Medford, Oreg., acquisition by Veterans Adminis- tration ---------- ____________._ Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, addition of lands; description --------- .. . ____ ____ _ Fort Vancouver National Monument, lands for, transfer of jurisdiction to Department of the Interior -- ____ Los Angeles, Calif., conveyance at-- _ - National Industrial Reserve Act of 1948, transfer of funds to Federal Works Agency for effecting pro- visions----------_ ______ __ ______ National Park Service, transfers of surplus property to, authority__ - - Oaths and affirmations, administration, authority of employees -_ - _- _ _ _ _- Personal property, transfer to Bureau of Federal Supply, Treasury Depart- ment -- ___


______ ______ Priorities and preferences with respect to certain transfers ----------- Page 462 1045 295 378 1193 1120 1119 1202 1202 1202 1146 1234 1203 458 1132 292 646 532 323 1033 1142 1204 1202 1203 I fits_________________ War Claims Act of 1948 -----------. _-- Appropriation authorized ----- . Contractors with United States, employ- ees of, adjudication authority of Federal Security Administrator..._ Total compensation payable-----_ __ Hearings with respect to claims --- __- Prisoners of war, compensation for violation by enemy government of food obligations ------_ _ __ . _ _ _. _ Property, return to Germany, Japan, or nationals of, restriction --------- _ Religious orders, payment to, in certain cases-__ _

____________ Religious organizations in Philippines, certain, reimbursement for food, services, etc., to Americans, Dec. 6, 1941-Aug. 15, 1945-------__-_ __. Reports under- Operations of Commission under, to Congress ------------- Personal injury and property claims, to President and Congress---- _ Services in connection with claims, maximum remuneration, penalty for violation -- -- ____ ______ _____ War Claims Commission, establishment and functions------- --- ________- War Claims Fund, establishment ----_ War College, National, appropriation for-- War College, Naval, appropriation for --- War Contracts. See Contracts With United States 1242 1240 1247 1241 1242 1246 1244 1246 1247 1245 1246 1245 1246 1240 1247 650 585 CLVI War Assets Administration-Continued. Page Quarters and facilities, furnishing to employees disposing of surplus property, authority---------_ - -- _ 1204 Reclamation, Bureau of, transfer of certain facilities and property to, authority -------------- _- -_ 1132, 1133 Reconstruction Finance Corporation- Real property, surplus, transfer of functions and powers to_- -- - - -_ 1202 Reimbursement for certain trans- ferred property, waiver of ----- _ 1187 Retention rights of transferred em- ployees ------ __----------_---_ 1202 Schick General Hospital, Clinton, Iowa, acquisition by Veterans Administra- tion-_---------___

292 Wildlife, transfer of certain real property for conservation purposes; report to Congress --------------- _-----_ 240 War Benefits, Civilian, appropriation for__ 448 Reduction in appropriation --_ _ _ _- -- _ 407 War Claims Act of 1942, internees of Japanese government, detention bene-