Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1341

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TrTr .Yr Army, Department of the-Continued. Page Signal Corps- Appropriation for---------_- -- 656, 1020 Chief Signal Officer, appropriation for Office of --------------------- 666 Contract authorization------------- _ 657 Soldiers' Home, U. S .- Appropriation for; transfer of surplus property to, authority--------- 1023 Inspection and report, annual, by Inspector General's Department- 5 Stabling rental, limitation ----------- 659 Strength of the Army, authorized----- 605 Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in, etc----------------- 1025 Subsistence of the Army, appropriation for---------------------------- 654 Subversive activities affecting, penalties 811 Supplies, regular, appropriation for- - 654 Surgeon General, Office of, appropria- tion for---------------- _-- - -- - . 666 Technical and professional personnel, employment ------------------ _ 668 Tours of duty at certain foreign stations, repeal of provisions respecting; re- port to Congress---------------- 70, 71 Transfers of funds, authority of Secre- tary --. _---------------------. 666 Transportation Corps, appropriation for --------------------------- 656 Transportation for certain Government and other personnel, authority for provision; conditions ---------.- 276 Travel of the Army, appropriation for-- 651 Reduction in appropriation --------- 229 Uniform, unauthorized wearing of, pen- alty ------------------ __ ------ . 732 Applicability of restrictions and regu- lations to Canal Zone, Guam, American Samoa, and Virgin Islands -------------------- - 172 Vessels, transfer authorized----------- 656 Veterans. See separate title. Veterans Administration, transfer of funds from, authority ----------- 1200 Veterinary Corps, detail of officers to Remount Service---------------- 197 Vitalization and Retirement Equaliza- tion Act of 1948, Army and Air Force ------------------------- 1081 Appropriation authorized----------- 1091 War trophies and devices, funds for dis- tribution----------------------- 667 Water mains, Federal, outside D. C ., appropriation for maintenance and operation----------------------- 1022 Water Pollution Control Advisory Board, representation on--------- 1158 JL,', Army, Department of the-Continued. Page Weather Bureau, transfer of equipment for Arctic weather stations to__- 2 8 6, 328 Welfare of enlisted men, appropriation for----..---..----------------- 653 Women's Armed Services Integration Act of 1948. See separate title. Women's Medical Specialist Corps, re- tired members, advancement to highest grade held during desig- nated period----- _- - -_ __ _ -- - _ 1085 Army, Secretary of. See Army, Depart- ment of the. Army and Air Force Vitalization and Re- tirement Equalization Act of 1948-_ 1081 Army and Navy Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark.: Appropriation for---------------- 657, 658 Construction of military installations, authorized----------------_ ----_ 375 Army and Navy Medical Procurement Office, Engineering and Development Division, Fort Totten, N. Y ., con- struction of military installations, authorized------------------ _ - -- _ 375 Army Field Forces, appropriation for --- 660 Army Medical Library and Museum, appropriation for ---------------- _ 657 Army-Navy Medical Services Corps Act of 1947, Amendment, removal of re- striction on appointments to Navy Medical Service Corps ------------- 533 Army Nurse Corps. See under Nurses. Army Reserve and Retired Personnel Service Law of 1940, funds for effect- ing provisions of--------. ..-----.. 395 Aroostook River and Tributaries, Maine, flood control, preliminary examina- tion and survey, authorization

1181 Arson, penalties--------------------._ 688 Art, National Gallery of, appropriation for- 191 Articles of War: Air Force, Department of the, applica- bility to---------------------- 1014 Certain articles to be read or explained- 642 Civil suits, removal ----------------- 642 Complaints of wrongs---------------_ 642 Courts martial ----- _ -- ----- ---- - 628-639 Definitions ---- _ __ _ _---- -__ _

_ 627 Disciplinary powers of commanding officers ------------------------ 641 Effective date-----------_ _

642 Military law, persons subject to------- 628 Miscellaneous provisions----------- 641, 642 Powers of Assistant Trial Judge Ad- vocate and Assistant Defense Counsel ----------------------- 642 Punitive articles ----------------- 639, 640 Separation of soldiers from service----. 642