Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1284

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 827-JULY 3, 1948 be applicable to all chickens, including broilers, appropriate adjust- ments being made as provided in subsection (e) of this section: Ducks, et. Provided, That if any price support operation is undertaken with respect to either chickens or turkeys, the same parity price support operation shall be undertaken with respect to ducks and ducklings and Wool. other poultry. The price of wool shall be supported at such level, not in excess of 90 per centum nor less than 60 per centum of its parity price as of January 1, as the Secretary may consider necessary in order to encourage an annual production of approximately Irish potatoes. 360,000,000 pounds of shorn wool. The price of any kind of Irish potatoes harvested after December 31, 1949, shall be supported at not less than 60 per centum nor more than 90 per centum of the parity price for Irish potatoes as of the beginning of its marketing season. Perishable nonbasic The Commodity Credit Corporation shall not carry out any operation ity. to support the price of any nonbasic agricultural commodity (other than Irish potatoes) which is so perishable in nature as not to be reasonably storable without excessive loss or excessive cost; but any such operation may be carried out by the Secretary through other means available to him such as those provided by section 32, Public 49 Sta. 774.2c Law Numbered 320, Seventy-fourth Congress, approved August 24, 7U.s c. §612e; Supp. I, §612cnote. 1935, as amended: Provided,That the foregoing provisions shall not Post, 1257. be construed to prohibit the Commodity Credit Corporation from supporting the price of any perishable nonbasic agricultural com- modity by a loan, purchase, payment, or other operation undertaken with respect to a storable commodity processed from such perishable nonbasic agricultural commodity: Provided further, That the Secre- tary, in carrying out programs with respect to perishable and nonper- ishable commodities under section 32 of Public Law Numbered 320, Seventy-fourth Congress, approved August 24, 1935, as amended, and 60 Stat'. 23 section 6 of the National School Lunch Act, may utilize the services and facilities of the Commodity Credit Corporation (including but not limited to procurement by contract) and make advance payments to it: And provided further, That in any fiscal year, if at the end of the preceding fiscal year the sums appropriated under said section 32 and remaining unexpended do not exceed $300,000,000, Commodity Ance,p.1252. Credit Corporation may, as provided in section 302 (a) of this Act, carry out any operation to support the price of any such perishable, nonbasic agricultural commodity to the extent that the reserve for the postwar price support of agriculture established pursuant to the First Supplemental Appropriation Rescission Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 8) and other funds appropriated for agricultural price support are sufficient to cover any losses which may be incurred in connection with such operation. Price supiTr t at in- 4 (d) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, price support operations at levels in excess of the maximum level of price support otherwise prescribed in this section may be undertaken when- ever it is determined by the Secretary after reasonable public notice and public hearing with records of said hearing and a finding thereon by said Secretary available to the public that price support at such increased levels is necessary in order to increase or maintain the pro- duction of any agricultural commodity in the interest of national security. Adjustments. ) pproprte adjstments may be made in the support price for any commodity for differences in grade, type, staple, quality, loca- tion, and other factors. Such adjustments shall be made in such manner that the average support price for such commodity in each marketing year will on the basis of the anticipated incidence of such factors, be equal to the level determined as provided in this section for such marketing year. "(f) For the purposes of this section- 1254 [62 STAT.