Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1118

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 708-JUNE 29,1948 ending November 11, 1918, and beginning September 9, 1940, and ending December 31, 1946. Computation of (b) Subsequent to the enactment of this Act, a year of satisfactory servicedt Federal service, for the purposes of this section only, shall consist of any year in which a person is credited with a minimum of fifty points, which points shall be credited on the following basis: (1) One point for each day of active Federal service; (2) One point for each drill or period of equivalent instruction, such drills and periods of equivalent instruction to be restricted to those prescribed and authorized by the Secretary of the respective service for the year concerned, and to conform to the requirements prescribed by other provisions of law; (3) Fifteen points for membership in a reserve component for each year of Federal service other than active Federal service. (c) Each year of service as a member of a reserve component prior to the enactment of this Act shall be deemed to be a year of satisfactory Federal service for the purposes of this section, subject to the provisions Pod, p . lo0. of subsection (e) of section 306 of this Act. (d) Application for retirement with pay made pursuant to this section shall be submitted to the Secretary of the service in which the applicant last served or is serving at the time of such submission. etention after (e) Any person who, upon attaining the age of sixty years, has qualified for retirement with pay pursuant to this title, may, with his consent and by order of the cognizant Secretary, be retained on duty to perform Federal service. Any person so retained shall be credited with equivalent periods of Federal service for the perform- ance of such duties. ate ot retired pay. SEC. 303. Any person granted retired pay pursuant to the provisions of this title shall receive such pay at an annual rate equal to 2/2 per centum of the active duty annual base and longevity pay which he would receive if serving, at the time granted such pay, on active duty in the highest grade, temporary or permanent satisfactorily held by him during his entire period of service, multiplied by a number equal to the number of years and any fraction thereof (on the basis of three hundred and sixty days per year) which shall consist of the sum of the following: (i) Al periods of active Federal service; (i) One day for each point credited pursuant to subpara- graphs (2) and (3) of subsection (b) of section 302 of this Act, but no more than sixty days shall be credited on this basis in any one year for the purposes of this section: Limitation. Provided,That no person shall be entitled to receive such retired pay at an annual rate in excess of 75 per centum of said active duty pay: Servic credit. Provided further, That for each year of Federal service, other than active Federal service, performed as a member of a reserve component prior to the date of enactment of this Act and credited in accord- supr. ance with subsection (c) of section 302 of this title, such member shall be credited with fifty days for each of such years, for the purposes of this section. tIat Sr n SEC. 304. As soon as may be practicable after the effective date of or promotion. this title, the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Air Force, and the Secretary of the Navy shall, by regulations not inconsistent with this or any other Act, prescribe (a) appropriate standards and qualifications for the retention or promotion of members of reserve components of the Army of the United States, the Air Force of the United States, and the United States Navy and the Marine Corps, respectively, and (b) appropriate and equitable procedures under which the compliance by each member of each such reserve component 1088 [62 STAT.