Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1084

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 678, 685-JUNE 26, 28, 1948 Hearings. 48 Stat. 945. Ante, p. 1053 . Furnishing of in- formation by Com- mission. Restriction on par- ticipation in decisions. 48 Stat. 943. 19 U. S.C. §1351; Supp. I, §1351 note. Copy of agreement to Congress. Deposit of Commis- sion report with Con- gressional committees. June 28, 1948 l[. R. 6801] [Public Law 793] Foreign Aid Appro- priation Act, 1949. (b) In the course of any investigation pursuant to this section the Commission shall hold hearings and give reasonable public notice thereof, and shall afford reasonable opportunity for parties interested to be present, to produce evidence, and to be heard at such hearings. (c) Section 4 of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Tariff Act of 1930", approved June 12, 1934, as amended (U. S . C., 1946 edition, title 19, sec. 1354), is hereby amended by striking out the matter fol- lowing the semicolon and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "and before concluding such agreement the President shall request the Tariff Commission to make the investigation and report provided for by section 3 of the Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1948, and shall seek information and advice with respect to such agreement from the Departments of State, Agriculture, and Commerce, from the National Military Establishment, and from such other sources as he may deem appropriate." SEC. 4. The Commission shall furnish facts, statistics, and other information at its command to officers and employees of the United States preparing for or participating in the negotiation of any foreign trade agreement; but neither the Commission nor any member, officer, or employee of the Commission shall participate in any manner (except to report findings, as provided in section 3 of this Act and to furnish facts, statistics, and other information as required by this section) in the making of decisions with respect to the proposed terms of any foreign trade agreement or in the negotiation of any such agreement. SEC. 5 . (a) Within thirty days after any trade agreement under section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, has been entered into which, when effective, will (1) require or make appropriate any modification of duties or other import restrictions, the imposition of additional import restrictions, or the continuance of existing customs or excise treatment, which modification, imposition, or continuance will exceed the limit to which such modification, imposition, or con- tinuance may be extended without causing or threatening serious injury to the domestic industry producing like or similar articles as found and reported by the Tariff Commission under section 3, or (2) fail to require or make appropriate the minimum increase in duty or additional import restrictions required to avoid such injury, the President shall transmit to Congress a copy of such agreement together with a message accu- rately identifying the article with respect to which such limits or minimum requirements are not complied with and stating his reasons for the action taken with respect to such article. If either the Senate or the House of Representatives, or both, are not in session at the time of such transmission, such agreement and message shall be filed with the Secretary of the Senate or the Clerk of the House of Representa- tives, or both, as the case may be. (b) Promptly after the President has transmitted such foreign trade agreement to Congress the Commission shall deposit with the Com- mittee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Finance of the Senate, a copy of its report to the President with respect to such agreement. Approved June 26, 1948. [CHAPTER 685] AN ACT Making appropriations for foreign aid, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative of the United States of Amelia in Congress assembled, That the following 1054 [62 STAT.