Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/105

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80TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 108-MAR. 11 , 1948 Thence south to the southeast corner of said section 17; Thence east approximately one-third of a mile to the top of the ridge between Clear Creek and West Willow Creek; Thence southerly along the top of said ridge approximately three miles to the center of section 33; Thence south one-half mile to the south quarter corner of said section 33; Thence east one-fourth of a mile; Thence south two miles to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter southeast quarter, section 9, township 19 south, range 20 east, Salt Lake meridian; Thence east one-fourth of a mile to the northeast corner of section 16; Thence south one mile to the southeast corner of said section 16; Thence west three miles to the southwest corner of section 18; Thence north 2 and three-fourths miles; Thence west one-fourth of a mile; Thence north one-fourth of a mile to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter southeast quarter, section 36, township 18 south, range 19 east; Thence west three-fourths of a mile to the southwest corner of said section 36; Thence northwesterly along the watershed divide of Book Cliff Mountains approximately twelve and one-half miles to the east quarter corner of section 6, township 18 south, range 19 east; Thence southwesterly down Coal Creek Canyon approximately thirteen miles to Green River at a point approximately one-fourth of a mile west of the southeast corner of section 18, township 18 south, range 17 east, Salt Lake meridian; Thence northerly up Green River to a point two and one-half miles north eighty degrees west from the southwest corner of section 7, township 12 south, range 19 east, Salt Lake meridian; Thence southwesterly along the east rim of Main Tabyago Canyon approximately three and one-half miles; Thence south five-eighths of a mile to the rim of the ridge; Thence southwesterly across West Tabyago Canyon approximately one-half mile to the ridge; Thence southwesterly along the north rim of the ridge approxi- mately two and one-fourth miles to Rock House Canyon; Thence southwesterly across Rock House Canyon approximately three-fourths of a mile to the top of knoll in Rock House Canyon; Thence southeasterly along the south rim of Rock House Canyon approximately two and three-fourths miles to a point approximately one mile north of Gray Knoll; Thence south one-half mile across bench to north rim of Big Canyon; thence southeasterly along the north rim of Big Canyon approxi- mately two miles to the head of draw approximately one mile east of Gray Knoll; Thence southeasterly one-fourth of a mile across bench to the north rim of Big Canyon Flat; Thence southeasterly along north rim of Big Canyon Flat approxi- mately three and one-fourth miles; Thence east approximately one-fourth of a mile across bench to the north rim of Big Canyon Flat; Thence southeasterly along the north rim of Big Canyon Flat approximately one mile; Thence east approximately one-fourth of a mile across bench to north rim of Big Canyon Flat; Thence southeasterly along the north rim of Big Canyon Flat approximately two and one-half miles; 62 STAT.] 75