Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/902

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A910 INTURNATIO(}NAL. A(; qIt:E.1;NPtS OTIIl THAN TtEAT1IES [i S[r.1A A910 [61STAT, II - Further, in the event that the S.E.I.T.A. should process more than 60,000 tons of leaf tobacco in any year, this import figure of 15,000 tons would be increased for the following year by a quantity equal to one half of the excess. III - A margin of 10% is authorised with the reservation that the difference may be carried forward from one year to the next provided that total imports for any period of three years shall not be less than the quantities provided for in paragraphs I and II. IV - The foregoing undertaking by the French Government is made subject to the application of the provisions of Articles XII and XIV Tf the General Agreement on Tariffs and 'rade. d 26- I - The French Government undertakes that the S.E.I.T.A. shall import annually 1,400 tons of cigarettes originating in other countries than the French Union. II - The selling prices of foreign cigarettes shall not be higher than those resulting from the application to the selling prices of the "de luxe" cigarettes of the Monopoly ("Balto", "Week-End", "Gitanes-Vizir") of the same ratio of increase which the selling prices represented before the war in relation to the selling prices of "de luxe' cigarettes of the Monopoly. III - A margin of 10% is authorised with the reservation that the difference may be carried forward from one year to the next, provided that the total imports for any period of three years shall not be less than 4,200 tons. IV - The foregoing undertaking by the French Government is made subject to the application of the provisions of Articles XII and XIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. 1Ad Ros..1ll .32.13 - The French Government, considering it uneconomic to impose duties on such an essential raw material as coal, has provided that it shall be imported free, on condition however that the provisions which are to appear in the final text of Chapter VI of the Draft Charter permit action to avert the effects of a possible crisis. Ad o.1 et aeo. - The importation of motor-fuels and petroleu poducts is subject to special formalities. Ad INoJ t32 to 41 - The consolidated duties in the present Shedule are intended only to protect refining. The French Government reserves the right to apply internal taxes applicable to all petroleum products delivered for consumption in the