Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/815

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i;1ST.x ,I (;I-:.NII \ A. .\( ;ItI::fN'I t).N ' 'tItIFFS ANI T'l.\AI I- (( 'T , 31). !47T SCHEDULE XI - FRANCE PART I (Continued) Prenoh Tariff Item No. 1237 1238A 1238B 12380 1238D 1239 1240A 12OB 1240C 1241 Doscription of Products Glassware for flat furnishing and decorating purposes (vases, cups, statuettes, ash-trays, office articles, aquariums, stands, protecting globes, eta.) whether or not out, dulled, engraved, or decorated ........... Glassware for lighting, signalling and common optical purposes: lamp glasses, glass-screens ("verrines"), ohimneya for lighting purposes ......... reflectors, diffusers, cups, eupels, lamp-shades, globes, tulips and the like facetted glass, plaquettes, balls, almonds and similar fittings for luster and other purposes ............. glass for signalling and common optical purposes (fitted or not) ............. Convex glass for watches or common spectacles ............................... Articles of glass, not elsewhere specified or included, for building, industry and agriculturea articles for building (paring blck, bricks, roofing tiles, etc.) . ... .... ... articles for industry ................. articles for agriculture (bells, eta.) Glassware for the laboratory, hygisne arn pharmacy, blow-lump or otherwise produoed: neither graduated nor gauged .......... graduated or gauged ................... Rate of Duty ad valorem 20/ 2Q7 20% 25% 2c/ 2,; 20; 22?;