Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/763

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lISilt, . | (lINE lL\I. \( IE;.IE 'NTI (N TARIFFS AND TRA)DE-OCT. 30, 1947 PAT I (Contiud) Description of Producto Clanter 45 YANIFACT'R C~ LEOR HIDIS CR SIUII AND ARTICLES OF .... TO TZtSmm, Saddlery goods gae-bags, havereacks, tool be, wllets...... arma easos, binocular cases, cWeo for oamers or other casem; oartridge pouches ............. Portfolios, satchels, music-cases and the like..... Knilbeog and sboppinbags ....................... Traelling requisitesl trnk ......................................... travelling bags ............................... attachd cases or s'it oasee ........................ hat cases, shoe cases, collar, cuffs, necktie, etc., boxes, bottle cases and other similar articles ..................................... Morooco wares, not elsewhere specified or ineludeds wamenoe and girls' handbag of all shape ...... cas, (for instruments, eto.) flexible......... other articles (pocket-books, purses, eard saes,e flexible casee, tobacco pouches, book holders, eto) 746D 746D 747 74B 750A 750B 7500 750D 751A 751B 7510 752B 755A A771 French Tariff Item No. Sheath and came-makers wares, not elsehere specified or includeds Jewel and like caes covered with leather ...... other articles covered with leather ........... Gloves of leather or skins outdoor gloves for men, boys and children ...... Rate of Duty jUKM- 25S 25S 25W 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 22 but not le" than 60fr per pair