Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/591

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(;1 STAT.] (GENEIAIL AGREEI'F ENT O(N TARIFFS ANI) TRAI)E-( -)CT. 30 , 1!)47 SCHSDUL Il - CUBA PART II (continued) Cuban Tariff Ita I| DOscription of Products RIt. nf dutv In spools, skeins, Balls or in other form, for nand ..- aving, ambroider. or sesing, including thread or cord for manufacture of fish-n-ts

nd hammock.,

snd the core or cordegj of cotton for the manufacture of pneumatic tires. In cordag- , rope end t:.ine, not braided, end aade--up fish-n'ts i.nd hab ock of net. GROUP ;.- FABRIGE. Plain -nd Emooth fabrics, napped or not, unbleached or .:hite, rsighing 10 kilograms or more per 100 square amtsrs: Up to 9 threads. From 10 to 15 threads. From 16 to 19 thrauasr. Froa, 20 to 2' thr-eads, Fros 24 to 27 threids, From 28 to ;1 thbr,- ds, 32 thr-Jode or more. MQT37S: Canvas shall be dutisbla under the correspond- ing letters of this item in accordaene with its threads, *ith a reduction of 25% from th- duty indica.ted. Febrlcs of this Itam, dyed a single color, shall bt subject to thi duty on the fabric with a sur. tax of 30%. Fabrics of this Itim, printed or dyxe. r;ith stripee, squares, or other designs, shall be Eubj-ct to the duty on the fabric, rith a re- duction of 6% in letters f, B, C, D, and E and with a surtax of 15% in litters F and G. Al Sub-i' t-ms of this Item have - cuEtore surtax in -d itioni to the -sasefs-d dutiCr, in ca c:.", amounting to 30% (Lf- of .ugust 9, 1932). 2.1C p-r 100 Kgs. 7.00 per 100 Kgs. 0.136 per Kg. 0.178 per Kg. 0.238 per Kg. 0.-30 pir Kg. 0.386 p.r Kg. 0.396 p-r Kg. 0.510 per Kg. A597 Number 114 114-A 114-3 114-C 114-D 114-S 114-F 114-G L. I _ __-- J I