Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/518

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A522 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES 161 STAT. .PA R x(o.crt.iRd2 Chilean Tariff 1804 isoaL 1809 1816 1822 1828 1868 1889 1887 Deosription of Produote Prismatio binooular glasese ....... .. oh I-ry and ultra-violet-ray appratus, and apparatus for the applioation of gliwmio, Faradio, thermio ourrnt, -te., n.s . . ... ... .... ... ... .... . .I .G Scales, steelyard. weighing mirhia and dynam--tor (incllding the oorresponding wights), autotie, ., strength exceeding but not exeeding O0tk., including thoee of a highnr strength for wighin perone ............................ .. Biograph, oinermtographo md other simllar apparatus, and ruspcifted part thoreof ............................ . .0. Artificial teeth, eye and eurdrm .L.. akohine mnd apparatus for puar or applied acienoes, not lsewhere specified, weighing up to 20 kg. nt L.L . Photographic camers, inoluding thoee for taking cinsmtograph film, also parts threof ...................... K.L . Calculating acohines and apparatus: arithmnoeters, *tc. , also parts thereof ............................ 1.. Typeriterr mnd writing apprtus. and parts thereof, ne.. . ... .... .. .G. Thermoeters for all purposes and other suring a"pratus, n .ee .l. , ucoh as baromters, hygrcnters, pln'iamters, Wramertrs, *to., and also spare parts thereof ...................... K.L . Ball for plqyig lawn bowls ......... ate of duty 55.00 0.Ty 2.00 8.80 30.00 1.20 3.80 So 8.00 1.60 2.20 Fre -`"'--II-------- ---