Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/174

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A174 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. SCHEtJLE I - OWUHITEALTH OF AUSTRALIA P--t TI (Cntinusd) Aunfralian Tariff Item Nmber (ontinued )() (12)(oot. (13) (15) (15) Description of Products WLrela s Reoeivers, etc. (continued). (b) Parts of loudspeakers, eto. (continued). (3) Field Ceil Housings iaoh or ad 71. whichever rate returns the higher duty, (4) Oone with or without voice ooils each or ad val. whiohever rate returns the higher duty. (5) oQce HousJngs each or ad val. whichever rate returns the higher duty. (6) N.E.I . , other than transformers ad val. Provided ho7corer that in the case of omibnations of any of the parts provided for under Iti 18C(E)(12)(b), dulty shall bi payable on such ocabination as though the parts were imported separately. ta misers, pc&er eaah or ad val. whichiv= rato ratutmn the higher d&ty, hsihaiea Parts n.e .i, e rireless receivers other than oabineta ad val Wirelesa Reoeiving ets wholly assebled, pertly asBebled, or unanavimbld, ecluding cabinets, male, loudspeakers, headphones, batteries or any devioe for eliminating batteries - Pr valve aocket ewluding sookets for valves foaing part of ay battery elimiating devioe or ad Val. WhIhew~ rate retuns the higher duty. Pro od - (1) In the abeoe of valve aoolkta the setes hall be oharged duty at the above rate an the basis of the number of valva for h they re construoted or designed. (2) I the instnoe of sets osotruoted or adpted for ue with multiple purpose valve, the et shall be ohargod duty equal to that paable an aet havin an equal umabr of umit stage using unit l'nmotion valves. Oa Vhe produots providod for umder Ites 180(3)(15), the prduoce of NM Zealand, ll, hn not mmted in cabinets, be fro duty, and when mounted n eabinets be ratfr ordinary oust dutie ta exceaa of 10 per oent. ad . I.M- 6 Rate of Duty 9d. 30 per oant. lid. 0 per oent. 1«.3d . 30 per oaet. 7s.6d. 30 per oent. 30 per oant. 96.3d, 3C per oent. --