Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/158

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A158 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. tBELUMZ I - COOUMNWeATH OF JUSTRALe PartI (Continued) Austr-aln Tariff It- Nxber 114 (B) tiao) 1J»(D) 1J(3) Decription of Produots tate, Oap, and Bonnet - Wool Pelt Hats in any stage of manufacture for men and boys, including wool felt hoods therefor per dosen or ad val. whichever rate returns the higher duty. WflE The produots provided for under Item 114(B), the produce of hew Zealnd, shall be exmpt from ordinary oustams duties in excess of 25 per oent. ad valorem. Fur felt hats in any stage of manutaoture for men and boys, inoluding fur felt hoods therefor per dozen or ad val. whiohever rate returns the higher duty. NOTE: The products provided for under Item 11(C), the produce of New Zealand, shall be exmzpt froa ordinary oustoas duties in excess of 25 per oent. ad valoren. Oapr .e .i. per dozen Ed ad val. NOIE: The product provided for under Item 114(D), the prodooe of New Zealand, shall be exempt from ordinary oustcas duties in excess of 25 per cent. ad valorm. Hoods for girls' and wen's hats, vi, :- (1) Wool Pelt Hoods per doaen or ad val. hiohever rate returns the higher duty. (2) Pur Mt Hoods and Velour Hoods per dozen or ad val. whihever rate returns the higher duty. For the purpoes of paragraph (1) of this ub-ites the tea "'Hoods" inolude hoods in any stage of muufaoture up to but not inoluding the defining of the brim. NfMt: The products provided for uder Ite. 1(11), the produce of New Zealand, shall be =-pt fria ordinar ouste duties in eaoes of 25 per cent. ad valor-a Rate of Duty 16s. 25 per oent. 25 per oent. 10s. 15 per cent. 5e. 25 per oent. 18s. 25 per cent.