Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/862

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838 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 512-AUG. 7 , 1947 [61 STAT. running mate such officers of such staff corps shall have lineal positions with respect to each other in accordance with the order of their seniority as of the date of approval of this Act: Provided further, That, not- withstanding any of the provisions of this subsection, officers of any staff corps who, on the date of establishment of the lineal list under this subsection, are serving under a temporary appointment in a grade above rear admiral or in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration, shall retain the lineal position to which they are entitled by virtue of such appointment until the termination thereof: And provided further, That officers of the grade of ensign in any staff corps shall have lineal position with respect to each other in accordance with the order of their seniority as of the date of the approval of this Act. Permanent appoint- (j) Immediately after the establishment of the lineal list for each ment scorps . staff corps as prescribed by subsection (i) of this section each officer holding a permanent appointment in a staff corps of the Regular Navy who is on such lineal list may be permanently appointed to and regularly commissioned in such staff corps of the Regular Navy in the same permanent grade to which his running mate is permanently appointed pursuant to subsection (d) of this section: Provided, That each officer holding a permanent appointment in a staff corps of the Regular Navy who is on such lineal list and whose running mate does not hold a permanent appointment in the line of the Regular Navy may be permanently appointed to and regularly commissioned in such staff corps of the Regular Navy in the same permanent grade to which the permanently commissioned line officer of the Regular Navy next junior to his running mate is permanently appointed: Provided Naval Reserve. further, That each officer in any staff corps of the Naval Reserve on the lineal list established under subsection (i) of this section may be permanently appointed to and regularly commissioned in the same grade in the Naval Reserve to which his running mate is permanently appointed in the Regular Navy, and in the event that such running mate does not hold a permanent appointment in the line of the Regular Navy, such officer may be so permanently appointed to the same grade in the Naval Reserve to which the permanently commissioned line officers of the Regular Navy next junior to his running mate is perma- nently appointed: Provided further, That nothing contained in this subsection shall be construed to authorize the limitation upon (1) the number of rear admirals which may be appointed in any corps, (2) the number of captains which may be appointed in the Medical Service Corps, and (3) the number of commanders and lieutenant commanders which may be appointed in the Nurse Corps, to be exceeded: Provided further, That appointments made pursuant to this subsection shall not be subject to qualification by examination: Provided further, That all appointments to grades below that of rear admiral effected pursuant to this subsection shall be regarded as hav- ing been made with the advice and consent of the Senate: And pro- vided further, That no provision of this title shall be construed to require the reappointment to a permanent grade of any officer who Temporary already holds a permanent appointment in such grade. pointment oaof fis (k) Immediately after the establishment of the lineal list for each of staff corps. staff corps as prescribed by subsection (i) of this section each officer of a staff corps on such lineal list, exclusive of those serving on the date of establishment of such list under temporary appointment in a grade above rear admiral or in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration, may be temporarily appointed to the same grade to which his running mate is temporarily appointed pursuant to sub- tepoatryppoinof section (e) of this section: Provided, That the existing temporary nent. appointment of an officer of any staff corps placed on the lineal list