Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/781

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61 Stat.]
80th CONG., 2st SESS.—CH. 482—AUG. 4, 1947

“3. The General Assembly may make recommendations with a view to determining the details of the application of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article or may propose conventions to the Members of the United Nations for this purpose.”; and

59 Stat. 1041.Whereas article 28 and other articles of the Charter of the United Nations contemplate the establishment of a seat for the permanent headquarters of the Organization; and

Whereas the interim arrangements concluded on June 26, 1945, by the governments represented at the United Nations Conference on International Organization instructed the Preparatory Commission established in pursuance of the arrangements to “make studies and prepare recommendations concerning the location of the permanent headquarters of the Organization”; and

59 Stat. 848.Whereas during the labors of the said Preparatory Commission, the Congress of the United States in H. Con. Res. 75, passed unanimously by the House of Representatives December 10, 1945, and agreed to unanimously by the Senate December 11, 1945, invited the United Nations “to locate the seat of the United Nations Organization within the United States”; and

Whereas the General Assembly on December 14, 1946, resolved “that the permanent headquarters of the United Nations shall be established in New York City in the area bounded by First Avenue, East Forty-eighth Street, the East River, and East Forty-second Street”; and

Whereas the General Assembly resolved on December 14, 1946, “That the Secretary-General be authorized to negotiate and conclude with the appropriate authorities of the United States of America an agreement concerning the arrangements required as a result of the establishment of the permanent headquarters of the United Nations in the city of New York” and to be guided in these negotiations by the provisions of a preliminary draft agreement which had been negotiated by the Secretary-General and the Secretary of State of the United States; and

Whereas the General Assembly resolved on December 14, 1946, that pending the coming into force of the agreement referred to above “the Secretary-General be authorized to negotiate and conclude arrangements with the appropriate authorities of the United States of America to determine on a provisional basis the privileges, immunities, and facilities needed in connection with the temporary headquarters of the United Nations.”; and

Whereas the Secretary of State of the United States, after consultation with the appropriate authorities of the State and city of New York, signed at Lake Success, New York, on June 26, 1947, on behalf of the United States an agreement with the United Nations regarding the headquarters of the United Nations, which agreement is incorporated herein; and

Whereas the aforesaid agreement provides that it shall be brought into effect by an exchange of notes between the United States and the Secretary-General of the United Nations: Therefore be it

Authority to bring agreement into effect on part of U.S.Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is hereby authorized to bring into effect on the part of the United States the agreement between the United States of America and the United Nations regarding the headquarters of the United Nations, signed at Lake Success, New York, on June 26, 1947 (hereinafter referred to as the “agreement”), with such changes therein not contrary to the general tenor thereof and not imposing any additional obligations on the United States as the President may deem necessary and appropriate,